Chapter One

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Taylor's relationship with Chris had been the longest relationship she had in her entire life. They've been together three years and six months. She had a feeling deep down in her stomach that he was the one for her. They've had so many happy memories together, and she was willing to jump off a bridge if that meant that they could stay together.

At first, her parents weren't too sure about her being in a relationship with an older man. But the twenty six year old fought and fought her parents until they finally agreed. She knew why Andrea and Scott were being skeptical, though. Some of the older men Taylor had relationships with hadn't gone well. (Excluding Tom Hiddleston, because he's an absolute angel.)

But Chris Evans had somehow managed to convince her parents that he would never hurt her in the ways the others had. Austin, Taylor's younger brother, had threatened to kill him if he did.

She was happier than she had ever been. The past three years of her life had been probably the best three she's had since she was a little girl.

She woke up one morning, opening her eyes to the feeling of something warm on her face. She put her hands up to her face, and gently poked whatever was inhabiting her head. The blob gave a disgruntled meow, and Taylor realized it was her cat Olivia. The cat jumped off of her, and Taylor looked over to see Meredith laying on Chris's chest. Dodger, Chris's dog, was crammed in between them.

She laughed as Dodger's head popped up, and he clambered up the bed until he could lick her face. There was a tennis ball under her pillow, and she threw it out the open door of the bedroom. Dodger flung himself off of the bed, and hit the ground with a thud. Meredith looked up, a grumpy expression on her face, and stretched, her claws extended. Her claws dug into Chris's chest, and he grumbled. "Meredith, what the fuck." He muttered. Taylor chuckled.

"Good morning," She said, as Chris rubbed his chest.

"Fucking cat," He muttered under his breath. "Good morning." He replied.

"Hey, you're the one who was able to melt her cold heart!" Taylor joked, curling up close to Chris. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and sighed.

"Y'know, I really hate it when you're right." He said.

"Wow," she said, punching his arm, "I guess you should leave then since I'm always right." She winked.

"When have you ever been right?"

"When you and Stephen Amell were being dumbasses and tried to climb over an electric fence without getting hurt," Taylor said, "and I warned you that you were gonna get injured, and Cass and I had to take your sorry asses to the hospital."

Chris laughed. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

"Plus there's that time where you and Chris Hemsworth decided to get into a fist fight and he broke your nose when I told you it was a bad idea. And there's that time where you and Chris Pratt-"

"Okay, I get it." Chris chuckled. "Taylor Alison Swift is always right."

"Even though you're a dumbass sometimes I still love you," She said grinning. "Anyway, we should probably get out of bed."

"Why?" He pretended to whine. "What if I want to stay here." He pouted. She rolled her eyes.

"Fine. You stay here and I'll go make breakfast."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Chris said, stretching out under the blankets.

She scoffed. "How did I ever fall in love with an idiot like you?"

"Maybe it's because of my charm and my sexy looks." Chris wiggled an eyebrow at her.

"Please never say that again." She said, laughing.

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