Chapter Two

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Taylor hadn't seen Katie Cassidy in almost a year because her friend was busy filing Arrow. "I don't understand why you went back," Taylor said as they walked down the hallway of her apartment building, "the writers and show runners treated you like shit."

"Yeah, but Beth and Tonya actually know what the fuck they're doing, and they're giving me good storylines this season. They really care about me and Black Siren." Katie responded.

Taylor laughed. "Well, I've been waiting for the season premiere. I'm excited to see what the season has to bring."

"Thank you for supporting the show," Katie said, "it really means a lot."

"You're one of my closest friends, of course I'll support your show. Anyway, I'm excited to see Ruby as Batwoman in the crossover."

"I know right! It's gonna be epic!" Katie grinned.

"If only they had you in it too. You deserve it." Katie shrugged.

"So... has anything interesting happened?"

"What do you mean?" Taylor asked, confused.

"Has Chris popped the big question yet?" Katie asked.

"What? Are you asking if he's proposed yet? No. He hasn't." Taylor said quickly.

"Well, you would think he would considering you two have been together for three years."

"Even if he did, I don't think I'm quite ready for marriage. I mean, that's such a big step to take." Taylor sighed.

"I guess you're right." Katie replied. "But make sure to text me when he asks."

"Well what about you and Grant? You've been together almost as long as Chris and I have."

"No, I think Grant is afraid. After Andrea called off the engagement I think he's thinking I'm gonna do the same." Katie said.

"Give it time, he'll come around."

They made their way out into the busy street, cameras flashing. Both Taylor and Katie put their heads down and scurried down the street. Taylor normally would've taken a car, but it was a nice day outside and she figured that her and Katie should walk.

They walked to the café where Taylor and Katie had first met, three years ago. Whenever Katie came in, her and Taylor always went there. They had so many memories of the small café, that it was always enjoyable to go there and retell the stories.

They sat at their usual table, by a big glass window that let the warm sunshine in. "So," Katie said, leaning forward, "have you started Hidden Agenda yet?"

Taylor laughed. "Not yet, but maybe after NYCC I'll have you over and you, Chris, and I can play it."

"That sounds amazing!"

"I'll be going to NYCC by the way," Taylor smiled, "Chris signed for it so I'm going to go with him."

"Yes! This is gonna be so fun!"

New York City Comic Con was one of the largest conventions in the country. It was held in the Javits Center in Manhattan, and it was also something to look forward to.

Taylor likes going to conventions and seeing Chris interacting with fans. She would sit behind the curtain and peek out every so often to see him signing autographs and taking selfies.

It was this weekend, and she was glad that she would be able to hang out with Katie while Chris was busy. She hoped to meet some of the other cast members of the Arrowverse, and she was even hoping to meet the Titans cast.

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