Chapter One

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(This is my first published fanfic, so be kind. )

I have always seen Chat as my partner. Nothing more, nothing less. I always knew that he was a gigantic flirt. I just never expected it to happen.

Chat and I stand on the Eiffel Tower, watching Paris recover from the akuma attack. Once the small ladybugs had cleaned up the mess, I turn to him, holding out my fist.

"Pound it?"

Chat glances from his ring to my earrings. The akuma was very easy to defeat, so we didn't need to use our powers. He looks at me, and his eyes are full of longing.

"M'lady, could we... stay out a bit longer?" He asks.

I don't answer. Normally, I would have said no, but he just seems so... sad. I smile at him. "Sure."

Chat's body relaxes, and he grins. "How about a race, Bugaboo?"

I roll my eyes and answer. "Paw-sibly... If you don't call me that."

"Be still my heart, she just punned." Chat feigns fainting, and I punch him in the arm.

"Where to?"

"Hm... The Notre Dame?"

"You're on, Chaton." I let the silly nickname slip out of my mouth, and for a fraction of second, I think I see Chat blush.

With a fleeting Cheshire grin, he begins to slide down the Eiffel Tower, his tail flicking behind him.

"Hey, wait up!" I shout after him, before leaping down the tower. We run across the city, jumping over buildings, dodging chimneys. As I run, I realize that with Chat's head start and his longer legs, he will win. My realization is proved correct when I land on the Notre Dame, panting, and trying to ignore Chat's chuckles.

"Good...job..." I breathe, my hand pressed to my chest. It takes about a minute for my heartbeat to return to normal. We sit with our legs over the edge.

"So, m'lady, as you can see... I won." Chat smirks.

"Don't rub it in, Chat." I stretch my arms. "It won't happen again."

"I was thinking that I deserve a little... reward."

"And what reward did you have in mind?"

Chat placed one of his gloved fingers under my chin and turns my head to face his. "How about a kiss?" He leans in, but before his lips touch mine, I push him away.

"In your dreams, alley cat." I chuckle.

"Just one."

"Just one...?" I ask looking at him.

Chat smirks in his flirtatious way. "Unless you beg for more."

He closes his eyes. I moved forward, but instead of kissing his lips, I give him a big wet smooch on the cheek. He jerks back and I burst out laughing.

"Not like that!" Chat says, wiping spit off his face.

"You never specified," I say between giggles.

We fall silent. A few moments pass.

"Why... Didn't you want to go home?" I ask, the thought occurring.

Chat doesn't answer right away. I glance over at him. His face is sad.

"Because of my father."

"Oh... I'm sorry, Chat." I clench my fists. Fathers shouldn't make their sons feel like they can't come home. It's wrong, regardless if he's a superhero or not.

"Ladybug, I'm sorry. You probably think I'm a coward." At this, I turn to him, hurt. "I didn't mean to keep you from going ho-"

"What do you mean?!" Chat finally looks at me. I glare at him, and my voice rises in anger. "I've known you for almost 3 years now, and you've never been a coward!" He tries to speak but I cut him off. "Why didn't you tell me? How long has this been happening?"

"Ladybug, I-"

I grab his hand, and feel tears forming in my eyes. "Chat, please don't hide things from me. We're a team, and we tell each other things."

Chat's green eyes sparkle. "Am I worth it, though?"

"Of course you worth it, Chaton. I would give up my life to protect you." I say, placing my other hand on his cheek and press my forehead against his.

We don't say anything, and just stay there, breathing softly. After what seems like a year, he pulls away.

"Thank you, m'lady."

We stand up. I smile at Chat, and grab my yo-yo.

I open my mouth to say goodbye, but the words are muffled as I feel his lips crash into mine. He places one hand on my waist, the other tangles in my hair. I know it's wrong, but I find myself melting into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. Everything else blurs and it's just me and Chat. The bliss lasts for only second, when I feel his tongue pressing against my teeth. My hands slide to his chest and I shove him away.

Panting slightly, I glare at him.

"W-why did you do that?!"

Chat looks away. I turn away, my face getting hotter by the second.

"Goodbye, Chat Noir."

We KissedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant