Chapter Four

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(It's the finale! Ladrien!)

Chat leans forward, placing a gloved hand into my hair, playing with it. He stares into my eyes, confused.


I'm already on my feet, heading towards the skylight. Chat stands up.

"Marinette, wait!" I ignore him and climb down into my room. I lock the door behind me.

I stumble down the stairs and flop onto my chaise. Tears sting my eyes and I just let them roll down my face.

"Marinette?" Tikki whispers. "Are you O-"

"Argh, how could I be so stupid?!" I yell. "He's been by my side this whole time!" I roll over onto my side, curling into a ball.

"At least you know that he loves you!" Tikki replies happily.

"Yeah, he fell in love with Ladybug. Not Marinette." I wince. "He loves the mask, not me."

"What about you?" She says quietly. I blink.

"What do you mean?"

"What part of Adrien did you fall for?" Tikki asks.

What part of Adrien did I fall for?

"His kindness." I mutter.

"And what do you think he fell for?"

"Ladybug?" I ask.

Tikki sighs. "Marinette, you are Ladybug. And Adrien is Chat. You're the same people."

I sit up. "I don't get it."

"You both have traits that are still there when you wear the mask. What's Chat's?"

I think for a second. "His kindness."

"Could you still love him, even when he's Chat?"

That answer comes too easy. "Yes."

Tikki smiled. "Then you should tell him that."

I sigh. She's right. I get up and climb back out onto the balcony.

He's not there.

"What do I do, Tikki?" I say, looking around.

"Go find him!" Tikki says, exasperated.

I sigh again. "OK, then. Tikki, spots on!"

I close my eyes, letting the suit encompass me. I toss my yo-yo into the air, hooking it on a chimney.

"Adrien?" I call, landing outside his ridiculously large window. "Adrien?"

The window's open. I jump forward, landing inside his room. He's not here. Suddenly a door opens and he's standing there, wearing a plain black T-shirt and red shorts. I feel my face grow warm.
"U-um." I say, totally forgetting whatever plan I had. "H-hi."
"Hey." He's wary, and I'm confused until I realise that he doesn't know that I know.
"Hey." We stand there awkwardly for a minute.
"What did you want?" Adrien asks. He seems weary.
"U-um this is a bit embarrassing but I- I-"
He smiles. "You can tell me anything, you know?"
"T-thanks. Um, can I just say something silly?" I say, my voice quivering.
"I-I li-"
"Adrien?" A voice calls from outside the door. "May I come in?"
Adrien runs over and pulls me into the bathroom and closes the door. We hear the door open and Nathalie enters.
Adrien puts a finger to his lips, and opens the door.
"Hey Nathalie."
"Adrien, have you completed your homework?"
"How about your piano practice?"
"All done."
"Good. You can have free time until dinner."
I hear her leave, and sigh. Adrien opens the door and I smile gratefully.
"Thanks for that."
He smiles back. "You're welcome. Shockingly, I don't think my father would approve of Ladybug being in my room, especially without supervision."
I blush and glance at the clock. It's almost 8:30pm.
"So you wanted to tell me something?" Adrien asks.

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