Chapter One: Mornings

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Date: Monday, September 14th, 2015


Hey people! I'm Haruka Etwas, A 17 years old girl. I'm pretty much an average otaku, but not the crazy. I also don't fangirl, I obsess. My Best Friends would be Masato Damuashiri, and since Author-chan decided this will be a super cliché story, I may or may not have a minor crush in him. My Other Best Friend is Estelle Alakana.

After getting ready for school, I ran to the bus stop.

Once I was there, I saw Suzuna,Melanie, and Yui there.

"Wasup!!" I greeted

"Hey!!!" Suzuna greeted back

"Ello!!!" Melanie also greeted back

"We should all make pasta, not war! Was a quote Italy said from Hetalia, just slightly

altered. Oh, Hey Haruka!" Yui quoted, I suppose...

"What's with the quote?"

"Practicing for a speech."Yui casually said.

"...Well, you've done weirder things... Anyone see the new Fairy Tail Episode?"

"Duh! I can't bel- *Gets jabbed in the hip* What the hell was that for Yui !?!" Melanie exclaimed

"Don't you dare f*cking spoil it!!" Yui threatened


"Sorry." She apologized

"How the hell did you not see the new episode?!?" Exclaimed Melanie (again.)

"Reading RoLu and NaLu fanfics..." Yui said

"Did you guys hear we're getting a new student?" Cut in Suzuna


"Aye Sir!" Suzuna replied

"Hey! The bus is here!!" Shouted Melanie. (Damn, she does a lot of shouting/exclaiming )

Sure enough, it was. On the bus, we chatted 'bout how the new student might be.

We were so into discussion, that we didn't notice that we were at our stop until Yui said.


Putting away my stuff, I hurriedly ran to my home room to catch up on any gossip.

Just as soon as I got into my seat, the bell rang.

" Hello class. As most of you heard, we got a new student." Mr. Wang said.

Mr. Wang looks a lot like China from Hetalia. I asked him about once and he said he had no idea what I was talking about. Anyways, A few seconds Mr. Wang said that, the new girl came in.


" Hello. I'm Sakura Utsukushi. Please just call me Sakura, no honourifics please.

Where may I sit Mr. Wang?" The New Girl/ Sakura said.

" You may sit next to Haruka Etwas" Mr. Wang said, while pointing to me.

Once Mr. Wang started to talk, I zoned out and tried to talk with Sakura.

"Psst. Sakura?" I whispered. I sound stupid...

"Yes, Etwas-san?" Sakura politely replied

"Just Haruka, no honourifics. When's your lunch period?"

"Third, why?" She said

"Sweet! Do you want me and my friends to give you a tour at lunch?"


With that, Sakura went back to listening. I, however, went to go read on Wattpad.


Haruka sent everyone ( By everyone I mean our circle of friends.) A text.

Apparently, we are all meeting at lunch otherwise she'll get Yui to tell each persons crush.

We're meeting at our usual place, on the roof.


Ikuto, Ranmaru, Cecil, Ayato, the new kid, Reiji, and I went up on the rooftops to meet the girls.

Haruka, Suzuna, Estelle, Yui, Melanie, and a girl I've never seen before were already up on the roof tops.

"You look a lot like Reiji for Uta no Prince Sama..." Yui said to the new guy, Reiji

"How did you know my name?" Reiji asked

"I do?" Yui said

"Let's begin the Introductions! Yui,would you like to introduce people?" Haruka suggested

"Sure. This is Sakura Utsukushi." Yui said

"Please just call me Sakura." Oh. That's her name. It's really suiting for someone that's as beau-Oh crap...

"Since you idiots already know her name, Introduce your selves!" Yui demanded

"Hey! In Estelle Alakana, but you can just call me Estelle, Kay?"

"Ello! I'm Melanie Suzushi. Like Estelle, call me Melanie with no honourifics."

"My full name is Yui Choego. I think I can safely say you can call everyone by there first name with no honourifics."

There was a course of yes's.

"Also, I'm the crazy fangirl, So if I start talking out of nowhere, it's probably me thinking about my Fandom."

Sakura looked slightly weirded out by this.

"Hewwo! Welcome to our High school! I'm Suzuna Sumato."

"Now, here are the idiots we call friends. At least, they do." Yui said, pointing at the rest of the girls.


"Yeesh. Okay. I'm Masato Damushiri, but you can just Masato." My crush/best friend introduced.

As Masato held out his hand to shake, Sakura looked very flustered but eventually shook his hand.

"Hey. I'm Ikuto Rokudenashi."

"Hello. I'm Ranmaru Suteki"

"Sup? I'm Ayato Shira"

"Hello! What school did ya go to before coming here? I'm Cecil Toshite!"

"Reiji-san, will you please introduce yourself?" Yui asked.

"I'm Reiji Hanu. Please call me Reiji."

Everyone shook hands with him, but when Yui shook his hands, He had a faint blush.

Yui: Now that we're done with Introductions, Time to give these two a tour!

Since Me and the girls had already ate, we waited for the boys to finish. Soon enough, we were ready to go!


After we finished showing Reiji and Sakura around, we still had 10 minutes left. Since Masato and Haruka have Chemistry next period like Sakura, there going to walk with there. Since Yui and Reiji both have World History, Yui's going walk him there.


I felt a little nervous walking with Yui. I think I might have a tiny crush on her.

" Are you ready to go?" I heard Yui say

" Shit! You startled me. Yes, I'm ready"

Smooth moves Reiji, smooth.

As we started we walk, I some how managed to slip and drop my books.

"Are you Okay?" Yui asked while offering her hand. After getting up, Yui said that World History is in the room infront of us.


" Hey, could I meet you after school?" Masato asked.

"Sure. Sakura, Are you ready to go?"

" Hai."

Walking to Science, it seemed that Masato kept trying to get closer to Sakura. Seeing that, I felt a bit jealous.

That's What Friends Are For, Right? {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now