Part 1: Phck!

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'Phck'- The way Gavin Reed tells fuck when he is pissed off; usually at Connor.

(Gavin's POV)

As I enter the Detroit Police Department I feel like this day's gonna suck. I was called earlier and told that I had to come into work early. I was also told another fucking android is being partnered up with someone in the department today. I just pray it's not going to be me. I walk straight past my desk and to the coffee machine where I make my coffee; even though I had two coffees when I woke up. After the coffee machine is done I grab my mug of hot coffee and walk to my desk. I go onto my computer and start to read case files when I hear, "REED! MY OFFICE! NOW!"

I grown and then eventually get up and walk into Fowler's office. I see him sitting at his desk holding some papers.

"Reed. You have already been informed that another android is coming to work with us. No one can take it since you and Hank are my best trained officers and Hank already has Connor. So that leaves you."


"REED! You're working with the android wether you like it or not! So quit bitching before I fire you! It will arrive at noon. Now leave my office!"

I don't want to lose my job so after a minute I comply.

"Fine!" I storm out of Fowler's office and head to my desk. I catch people staring at me.

"Phck off!"

I look over at the clock. Nine AM. Fuck me! I keep reading case files until I almost fall asleep. I put my head down on my desk and close my eyes. After a few minutes of peace, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Detective Reed?"

I turn to see what looks like a taller version of Connor. The only differences are height, uniform and the fact that this android has bright blue eyes. It's face is way more stern than Connor's and it almost looks bored or uninterested. I glance at the clock. It's twelve.

"So you're the new android huh? You got a name?"

"I am RK900, the android sent by Cyberlife."

I roll my eyes.

"Okay shut it tin-can."

I look back to my computer and begin reading, but I still feel a presence behind me.

"Sit somewhere damnit!"

I watch as the droid looks over to the desk next to me and sits down in front of it. Then it gets straight to work, reading case files and researching about victims and suspects. I look back to my computer and do the same.

"Hey! Get me a coffee dipshit!" I say as I almost fall asleep. I wait for the android to stand up and finally it did.

Soon enough I found myself being pinned to a wall my the android.


I struggle to break free as the droid starts to speak.

"You don't order me around Reed. I do what I want, especially considering the revolution just ended. Congress will be voting on android laws soon. Eventually, your actions might just be illegal Gavin."

I totally freeze as this is said. What the fuck just happened?! An android is telling me what to do and I'm not doing shit about it! No fucking way!

"Listen here asshole. I'm in charge of you. Until laws are made, you do as I say. So get a move on!"

It lets me go and walks into the break room. Ha! I win!

(RK900's POV)

I already know that working along side Reed will be challenging to say the least. I go to the coffee machine and make a cup. I decide making it bitter is a little bit of payback. Then an idea pops into my head.

I walk back to Detective Reed and hold the coffee out near him. He looks over and tries to take it but I move my arm.

"The hell? Give me my coffee!"

I pour the coffee on the Detective's clothes and smirk. I made sure the coffee wasn't that hot prior to prevent any burning. Reed looks up at me with a murderous look.

"The FUCK!"

He grabs me by the collar and pins me to a wall.

"You're gonna die for this prick!"

"I feel that you should be aware of the costs to fix me Detective. If you manage to kill me, all your cigarette money will be used to fix me."

"You fucking cunt."

He lets me go and goes to the bathroom to clean himself up.

This story is gonna be fun to write. I love Reed900 more than life. I can wait to add more! I luv ya! Bye!

Side-note: the cigarette part is there because RK900 scanned Gavin and found out he occasionally smokes so he teased him about it. Just letting y'all know.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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