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(If you guys don't remember what happened previously, I suggest you go and read the last part of chapter three)

SASHA SOTO STARED AT me like she had all the power in the world over me. That was probably because I looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"I am very curious, Leah," Sasha tells me, an amused smirk lining her red matte lips, "Who's life are you going to put at stake – yours or Lily's."

"None, actually," I reply, making sure my voice comes out evenly toned and confident, "it is Gerard Faulkner's."

"I don't think I have given you an option there, Leah."

I discreetly unlock my phone underneath Sasha's huge desk, and switch on the voice recorder.

"Listen to what I have to say about Faulkner," I say, "and then you can decide for yourself. But you have to promise me that you're not going to bring up Lily again if you use Faulkner's story."

Sasha thinks for a moment, her eyes flickering towards her phone. She was debating on whether to call Lucas or not. In the end, just as I was hoping, she turns to me. Lucas would have downright disagreed if she told him about this. His ego would want Lily's career destroyed.

"Okay, if I like your Faulkner story, then I will forget Lily."

Hiding a smile, I stop the recording.

But on a second thought, I resume recording again. Just to add in one more line which would help me in future to save my ass if this clip ever got out, under some circumstances.

"I am only doing this Sasha because you have given me no other option other than this to save Lily and me."

And then I finally stop recording.

Sasha raises a perfect arched eyebrow at me and for a fleeting moment I imagine her throwing my phone out of the window. But when I blink my eyes, she is sitting in the same straight position, her face resting on her hand.

"Well, go on."

"Gerard Faulkner is the COO at Parker's," I say, "For about nine years or so."

I eye Sasha's phone on the desk, thankful that she's not recording. On her laptop, however, she types Gerard Faulkner and his profile comes up from the database. She has fucking access to the database of the company.

"He is sexually involved with a man twenty years younger," I say, breathing through my mouth from the lack of air, "I have known about this from the past four years."

"What is the big deal then?" Sasha's eyes meet mine, "If it's a story of homophobic parents or something, please stop. I am not interested in bullshit like that."

"He has a wife," I say, and Sasha stops, "and two children."

I continue. "He's gotten a guy fired once. I don't know about other cases but I know about this one. Kenneth's personal assistant who preceded me was fired because he didn't agree to the sexual favors that Gerard wanted."

"How sweet is that," Sasha replies, a smirk featuring on her face, "But you haven't been there for two years. What if he isn't involved with that man anymore?"

"Then I suggest you keep a tab on him," I say, "If he isn't involved with that guy, then he sure is involved with some other man. You can't exactly control your sexual orientation."

"Sexual workplace harassment, cheating scandal and a closeted homosexual charges on a man who has done so much for the company to reach the heights it is on today," Sasha chuckles, "And you stupid, stupid girl. Letting Sebastian Parker lose one of his best men just to save your friend? You'd make any company run at a loss if you go saving people like this."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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