10: Under no Mistletoe

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Her back was turned towards the slightly amazing view of the only stream in the area. She did not feel amazing enough to look in that direction, instead she faced the trees that occupied the area. It was dark and so no pretty details could be identified, but she did not care, she was not here for beauty but rather solitude.

How had everything gone so wrong? She asked herself as she used the back of her palm to wipe off a tear that had escaped the prison of her eyelids.

Oh wait, I know, the devil came over.

She knew better than to trust his word about not pranking her, she knew better than to feel comfortable, too comfortable with him. They weren't friends so she shouldn't have joked or laughed with him. He was and would always be how he was. This was supposed to be the best day, the day all her success began as a renowned event planner in Nigeria.

The tears flowed quicker than she could hold. She dragged her knees close to her chest and rested her head on them as she let the tears overtake her. She wasn't one to cry so easily but she could not stop the already flowing water. How would she be able to look at her Father? or worse her Mother?

If she was not able to handle such an event as this, then she would be an ultimate failure in the world of event planning. Who was she kidding? She was already a failure.

Maybe, she thought, Asike was there to expose how much of a failure she was and would be. After all, she had not been able to achieve anything good all her life, like Segun.

Her sobbing increased and sounds erupted from her throat as she cried the more. She tried to figure out why the tears rushed out so fast, but her mind was too paralyzed to think at all. All she knew at the point was how much she hated the boy called Asike, she hated everything about him.

"Are you okay?" She raised her head quickly as she heard the voice of the person she hated. Either Santa was angry with her this day or Jesus was, either way her day was cursed with having the boy around her and here he was at her hideout spot. No one in her house knew this place and she made sure she never told them about it. She had discovered it after the incident with Segun. Her heartbroken heart had led her towards nowhere and her feet wandered sadly until it came to a halt at the magnifying beauty of a stream surrounded by flowers of different colours.

"Shoot, sorry, you're not okay. Do you need someone by you?" Only she knew the spot and if he was here that means he knew the spot and her chest burned with anger. Why did he have to be involved in everything she was involved in? Why did he have to be in her life at all?


"Leave," her voice betrayed her, it was without the command she wanted to portray but she did not care, she wanted to have nothing to do with him at all. She wanted to be left here alone to cry her eyes out before she thought of either going home or being an homeless individual.

"No can't do." His footsteps were loud enough for her to hear as he walked towards her, her back still turned to him.

"I'm asking you politely to leave...Now."

"Yes, I got the hint before but i'm not leaving at all Ebose, I'm not leaving you," her head turned involuntarily towards him as he stood by her side. A frown crossed her face and her chest burned the more,

"I want you to leave Asike and now," Instead he sat on the floor beside her with a grin on his face.

"Nope, I won't."

"What do you want Asike? You've ruined me to the bone in the house now you want to do it here to. Maybe set this place on fire and I get blamed for it, Ebose always causing trouble while you get t waltz away an angel in the eyes of everyone and then you go back to your parents and live happily ever after. Go ahead, I don't care but do so and leave me quickly." She said as loud as her voice could carry, more tears ran down her cheeks and she cared not whether she looked monstrous or ugly.

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