What If You Weren't Famous

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It was just another day of my life. Getting up, going to school, getting picked on because of how I dressed or  just cause of who I am, and then I go back to the place I'm supposed to call home.

I live in a group home with 12 other teenagers. The lady in charge, Ms. Haity, is really strick and cruel and has really absurd rules. Like all the kids have to be in the house by 8:30 pm and in bed by 9 o'clock with lights off at 9:30 pm. Then there is the chores chart where it lists all the chores assigned to each teen. The funny thing is, the person she hates the most gets the worse chores. They NEVER change, what so ever. And that sucks.

Guess what? I'm the one she hates the most. Ironic, right. I know.

So my chores include: cleaning the bathrooms, taking out the garbage, dishes on Monday Wednesday and Friday, and cleaning out all the old leftovers from the fridge. Everyone else gets sweeping the floors, dusting the house, cleaning various room that are as bad as the bathrooms. Then there is the chores everyone had to do like; their own laundry and keeping their own section of the shared rooms clean.

Besides chores and the awful with the other guys thinking they are better then me in the group home there is school. School is just as bad as the group home. School has the jocks who think they own the place. Picking on anyone who they think doesn't meet their expectations . And I fit that to a T. The punk rock, emo kid. The kid that stays to themselves and doesn't talk to no one.

I have dark brown hair that's almost black, and the sides are red. It's styled longer in the front, just barely covering my eyes and short in the back and on the sides. Bright hazel eyes with an olive green tint to them. Along with eyeliner. Yes, I wear eyeliner. Then I have a simple nose ring on the right side and a lip ring on the left side as well.

As for clothes, I normally wear my black leather jacket with some band t-shirt, mostly Iron Maiden or Queen, and black pants and/or skinny jeans. I have these awesome boots that have buckets coming all the way up the boot. The boots overall come up to my mid calf.

Ew, oh then I have my tattoos as well that I absolutely love. I know only being 15 I shouldn't have tattoos, but who cares I don't have any parents to tell me what to do. So I can do whatever in the heck I want. I just forge what would be my parents signature on the papers and well la I got tattoos. I have a scorpion tattoo on the right side of my neck, just high enough where you can't cover it with a shirt. It bugs everybody, especially the school teachers and staff. They have a strict 'everyone has to be proper princes and princesses' policy. I don't follow that, obviously. Hahaha, but they can't do anything to punish me as I'm not breaking any school rules. I also have Halloween across my knuckles, as that is the day I was born, and absolutely love that, all the spooky scary stuff. Then last but not least I got the word bookworm on the top knuckles, where if I interlace my fingers then bookworm would be able to be read. I wish to get more eventually, but that's it for now.

Besides school and doing my chores, I sit on my top bunk of the bed I share with another kid and in the room I share with a total of four other people. All of which I despise. All the space I have in the room is my bed and where my dresser sits that holds my clothes. I have all my personal belongings either in my bed, on the wall around my bed, or in my dresser. Those things include a variety of comics, cd's of punk rock bands, and my sketch books and pens, pencils, and markers. Most of which I keep on my bed.

I have a lot of posters as well, which covers the wall space I mentioned earlier. There's the puck rock bands I listen to but there is also my favorite singer/songwriter/comic book writer. I have all his comic books he wrote and he just came out with a new album, Hesitant Alien.

He had bright orange hair and this most amazingly beautiful face. It's absolutely perfect. I have to admit he's cute. I have a huge crush on him. And he's only 18. But there is one big down side to this whole thing, he's fricking famous as heck. Everyone knows who he is, and there's no way I'd have a chance with him.

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