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hachishakusama means 8 feet tall which was pretty tall. almost as tall as a two story building. the story now begins. I was eight years old and I was visiting my grandparents in china. I was playing with my toys outside.

I then heard something *bum* *bum* *bum* I looked around to see a straw hat over my bush hedges. but it wasn't on top of the hedge but behind it. when it started to move to a little crack I peaked and found a very tall lady standing. she then disappeared with the bushes leaving them as the sound she was making faded away. I didn't think to much of it but when I was going for dinner with my grandparents I told them about it and they froze in shock.

My grandpa grabbed me and started asking me questions and I tried to answer them all. He then ran to the phone to make a call. I then asked my grandma about it and she explained that hachishakusama is a demon that makes a bum noise with her deep voice.

 I then asked my grandma about it and she explained that hachishakusama is a demon that makes a bum noise with her deep voice

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She then said that whoever saw her was destin to die in a few days. I was so scared and... terrified to the thought of dying. someone then came to the door and she looked wise. she then put me in my room with the window covered in news paper with ancient symbols on it. she then put four bowls of salt in the corns of my room and put a statue in the middle. she then said that I can't leave this room until tomorrow at 7am. she then handed me a bucket and said not even to use the restroom.

I fell asleep and woken up wondering when can I leave. I checked the time and saw that it was 6:50. "me: finally this is almost over" I then heard my grandma saying that I can come out and she can keep me safe. I was so reliefed to hear her voice and was about to open the door but then hesitated and got nervous. I then looked at my room and the four bowls of salt had gone black. I then heard that familiar sound. *bum* *bum* *bum* Yup something wasn't right. I got scared and started preying in front of the statue but I must have gotten caught up in my chanting cause the noise stopped and I checked the clock it was 7:00 and I ran out into my grandparents room.

A few years later my grandpa died of cancer and so did my grandma. I was so upset that this thing was keeping me from visiting my grandparents funeral.

credit to the channel snarled for this creepy story. go ahead and check out there're channel.

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