the rake(chapter 1) the discovery

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Me and my friends were up one night and we're telling scary story's when leo said "guys ever hear about the rake" we all froze. we have heard about the rake but have never seen it or have looked for it. stephanie then suggested that we should look for the rake. leo,sarha,david,mathew,stephanie,and kelly agreed that we should hunt for the rake. I agreed because i knew if i didn't they wouldn't forget this moment.

we all packed up and then we went to a forest in idaho. we see that there is police tape all over the entrence. lea being a dumbass rips through the tape and calls us. i told them this was a bad idea but leo just called me a pussy. I said fine and we found a cabin. we tidyed up a bit and unpacked our stuff. "shit i forgot my phone." kelly said. i told her that it was ok but she didn't agree. we all went to bed and woke up at 12:00.

i grabbed my camera from way back when i was in high school. we went out but kelly was getting sick of this and went on her own. we couldn't find the rake so we were looking for kelly. thats when we heard her scream  so we ran in the direction that we heard the screams. it lead us to a water fall. "FUCK" leo shouted.  i dived in the water fall thinking kelly was drowning and the others followed. i then fell into the waterfall to find a cave behind the water fall. i called out to the others. they were suprised because they never heard of this. we explored calling out for sarah and that's when we found her...well what's left of her. her shirt was torn up and bones covered in red and her head cracked open with a nice chunk of her brain missing. leo screamed and we all ran out. hearing the howls of the rake we made it to the cabin. thats when i sked "wait,wheres david" we then heard his screams coming from the night. being scared i shouted at leo " YOU STUPID FUCK WHAT WERE YOU THING??!!!!" he then bursted in tears and said he didn't want to look like a baby infront of kelly. i said its ok but to never do this again. we all agreed to it and went to sleep. TO BE CONTINUED.........

hey there sorry for spelling mistakes but i kinda rushed this but its 10:30 right now and ima stay up maybe think of ideas for chapter two but i hope you enjoyed this and see ya.

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