II. Liberi

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How long has it been? Weeks? Months? Years? It felt so long since mother has been gone. I miss her so much. Her positive mood is enough to brighten my day. Now, everything has changed. Father has ruined her, completely stripped her of innocence. Everybody knew me as the joyous, playful child but not anymore. There is not a single positive outlet in this house. Damian is constantly bickering with Lilith and Zurk, which drives me insane. Nyx and Varius didn't pay him much attention, they always ignored him. I didn't bother with Damian, he was the cause of all of this. If he hadn't sided with Father and caused chaos in the family, everything would be fine. Yet, another part of me tells me that it was meant to happen. But why? Perhaps her experience as a Daemonium (Demon) will help her grow. However, I still felt hopeless. She didn't even remember who I was... A few tears pricked my amber eyes while thoughts of Mother lingered in the back of my mind. I miss her so much...

"Lucy," a voice rang out, "Do you want to... talk?"

Tilting my head over to the door, my (h/c) ponytail swished about carelessly. My amber orbs bore into Lilith's eyes that were laced with concern. Her black hair was tied up in a messy bun. The small night light illuminated her face, showing off her silver lip and nose piercings. She wore heavily distressed jeans, as well as a crimson red crop top that had a giant skull design. A small smile crept onto my face as I responded to her.

"No, I think I'm fine."

"No you're not."

Sighing, I groaned, "Lilith, don't start this again."

She walked up to me and sat right beside me, giving me a deadly glare. A small shiver went down my spine as I saw her expression. Lilith was a scary person, she is unpredictable, short-tempered, and violent. She always thinks that problems can be solved if the other party was killed. I, on the other hand, was a promoter of peace. Conflict was something I avoided. I still find it a bit strange how we are close, even though we are complete opposites. She was always there for me, helping me through every obstacle and trouble that was in my path. As of lately, she has been spending more time with me. Somehow, she calms me down every time I had a mood swing. Lilith's grip on my hand caught me attention, causing my eyes to trail to her figure.

"Everybody is downstairs, eating lunch together. You should come join us."

"Lilith... it's not the same," I muttered sadly.

"Why do you say that?"

"It's obvious, Lilith. Can't you tell? The only thing that was keeping this family close is now gone. She is gone."

"Lucy," Lilith comforted me, "Please... join us. You need to get your mind off Moth-"

Before she could even utter that word, I immediately shot up and flicked my hand carelessly. Lilith's body thwarted toward the wall. Her back violently hit against the wall, eliciting a painful moan on her part. She brushed off my measly attempt to hurt her and approached me. My blood boiled with rage and I clenched my fists. I could feel my black horns emerge from my forehead, as well as my long, black claws and wings. My tail playfully wagged behind me as my every breath gradually became heavier. With quick thinking, Lilith pulled a syringe from her pocket and stabbed me in the neck. Howling in pain, I thrashed around and clawed her arm. She winced in pain but brushed it off. My muscles began to grow weak, causing me to fall to the floor. I panted heavily and stared into the mirror. My demonic features began to disappear as my vision blurred slightly. She must've used that special antidote on me again. Varius managed to concoct it, thanks to his smart mind. My body began to relax and a small sense of happiness coursed through me. Lilith lifted up my weak body and carried me down the stairs. Smiling, I looked up at her. She seemed to be afflicted by guilt, which happens every time she uses the antidote.

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