luke hemmings imagine he makes you feel insecure part 2

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I sat on the edge of the bed, sniffling and sobbing quietly to myself. How could he say that? I could make do wih the fans insulting me, but I just never thought he anyone. Even if we weren’t dating, I would never on a million years thought he would say that to someone. To be honest, I reallyndidn’t think I was getting fat. Was I?

I thought for a moment, before racing off over to the full body mirror.

I stared at my reflection. I couldnt judge myself on anything, since I still had layers of clothes on, covering my body.

I sighed to myself as I quickly stripped them off, tossing them to the side, leaving me in only my bra and panties.

I looked the same. Exactly like what I looked like a week ago and exactly what I looked like a month ago. Everything was the same, but now…I just didn’t feel it. I didnt feel comfortable with my body, and I just didn’t feel the way I used too.

A tear gently rolled down my face, and I bit my lip hard trying not to let out a sob.

Suddenly, the door slowly opened, but I ran to slam it shut, but Luke was blocking it with his foot.

"Go away, Luke!" I sobbed hard, trying to shove him away.

"Y/N!" He shouted in suprise. "Baby, whats wrong?"

"Just get out!" I sobbed even harder, eventually giving up on trying to push him and the door shut, since it was pretty useless.

I slowly slid down the side of the wall, collecting my face in my hands, shaking with the sobs being left from my mouth.

"Y/N, whats wro-"

"I was already insecure enough, Luke! With all those beautiful girls you take pictures with and all the media and my high school life! If you think im so "chunky", then go find someone else!" I sobbed loudly. How could he not know whats wrong? He just called his insecure girlfriend fat. I sobbed even louder at this point.

Now I am never, ever, EVER like this; but I tend to get quite moody around this time.

"Oh fuck me," he mumbled in disbelief. He crawled over towards me, and tried getting me on his lap, but I refused.

"Babe, look at me. Please," he pleaded.

I sniffled loudly and looked at him wih a quivering lower lip. Man, I fucking hate periods.

"I’m didn’t mean what I said. I swear to God, honey." He said gently.

I huffed and rolled my eyes.

He sighed after a moment, and continued,

"Y/N. These pasts months have been insane with preparing for the tour, late recording, and the boys. And I just…It’s everything has been getting to me latley and I just…I-I took it out on you. I’m so, so, so sorry babe." He whispered.

I thought for a moment, before my eyes met his and the beautiful blue was now brimmed with tears. My heart clenched. I could never deal with anyone crying, especially not Luke. I love him too much to just let him go like that.

A small smile crept up on my face. “Okay. I forgive you.”

He grinned widely at me and kissed my nose.

"I love you so much, " he mumbled with a small laugh.

I grinned and shrugged. “I love me too.”

He laughed at me, whilst shaking his head, before pressing a kiss to my lips.

I have fallen way too hard for this boy.

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