Calum fight imagine

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not mine 

It’d started a few weeks ago. The distance. You and Calum had been together going on a year now and things had always been good. Great, even. There was never really anything to fight about, you two hardly disagreeing on anything and even when you did it was usually something stupid like which movie you’d watch or who got to be the little spoon - never anything big. This particular fight though. This one seemed to have flipped a switch.

It was an offhanded statement that had led to the big fight. You were visiting with the boys for a bit, as were their parents, and had just gone backstage to meet with Calum. This was the usual routine, watching the show from the crowd then meeting him backstage after, so nothing was out of the ordinary. That is until after all the hugs, kisses, and praises.

You’d planned on going out after the show since it’d been a while since you two had seen each other and Calum was already starting to pull away. You weren’t stupid or oblivious to the fact Calum was very much slipping right through your fingers. And tonight was about attempting to salvage that. So when Calum mentions his other plans the worry seemingly multiplies.

"Let me just go check in with the boys, I think we were meant to go out," Calum says after having brought up leaving. You make to go with him but he grounds you with a, "Just wait here, I’ll be two seconds." That’s when things start going south. "Two seconds? Why can’t I just go with you?" "It’s just, everyones in there," he shrugs coolly. "Whats that supposed to mean?" You frown. "It’ll just be crowded is all. Plus my parents are in there," he says a little sheepishly.

Now you’re getting heated. “Oh, god forbid your parents see me,” you huff. “What?” His eyebrows pull together and he drawls back. “Why does it matter if your parents are in there? In fact, why does it matter anyones in there?” You cross your arms. “Because,” he sighs. “Because why?” You pry. “Because we agreed you wouldn’t meet them yet,” he shifts on his feet, his own voice starting to sound more stern.

"Yeah, well maybe I changed my mind," you reply almost challenging. "Well I haven’t. And they are my parents so..” he bites. “You’re right Calum, they are your parents. So why can’t a meet them? That is what you usually do when you’re dating someone,” your unsettling worry starts to build up. Why hasn’t he introduced you yet? Does he not see a future with you? You didn’t exactly meet in the most romantic way maybe he was ashamed of that. Maybe you’d read way more into this than what it actually is.

"Y/n.." He lets out a breath. "No, forget it, just go out with the boys then," you drop your hands and step away from him. The air around you is tense and the security guy that’d walked you backstage looks about as uncomfortable as possible having just stood and listened to the whole exchange.

"Are you sure?" Calum asks and you so badly want to shout at him what an idiot he is and of course you don’t actually want him to go out with the boys when you haven’t seen him in literally months. “Yeah, yeah, it’s fine. Have fun,” you flash a quick, tight smile. The security looks between you two and Calum nods his head with an empty promise of I’ll call you later.


That was a week ago now and since then you two have hardly spoken. It started with missed calls then unanswered texts and eventually canceled plans. The thing is, you don’t deserve this shit treatment. You hadn’t done anything wrong. You’re not even sure what he was so hung up about. You mentioned meeting his parents - which you still very much agree isn’t such a horrible thing. Yet he’s moving further and further from your reach.

Dinner tonight?



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