my life in forks

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Disclaimer!!! stehpenie Meyer owns all charcters appart from Carla and her mum, Jane!!!

If you didn't already know I am one of the biggest twilight fans ever! When I found out I was moving to Forks with my mother, I was ecstatic! My mum Jane had to cover her ears for a solid 30 minutes while we were in the car on the way to forks I was so happy! I thought my eyes were going to drop out of their sockets! I wouldn't care, I was in forks, where all my favorite book characters are supposed to live; Edward, Bella, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmet, Alice, Carlisle, Esme, Mike, Jessica, Angela, Eric, and Lauren. So I was very happy.

"It's the Eye of the TIIIIGER!!!" I screamed as we came to a stop at my new house.  

"Carla, stop it with you and your crazy singing whenever your excited thing!" my mum shouted back. She hates when I sing really loud for no reason. Once I had gotten out of the car I finally saw the house. It was fairly big and I screamed in my head, well at least I thought I screamed it in my head.....  

"OH MY GOD this is just like Bella's house in Twilight!!!! "Yay!" I screamed and then I realized that I hadn't been thinking that I had been screaming that.....oh well.  

"Carla, if you don't stop that now I will put you back in the car and find a new home faaaar away from here!!" mum yelled. I hated it when my mum used that whole, 'I will go somewhere else away from Forks' thing on me she knew how much I hated it. Suddenly I was hit in the face with a load of towels because it seems my mum was calling my name. Ugh!  

"Carla bring in the bags will you?" she shouted from upstairs.

"OK!" I yelled back. Once I had all the bags and suitcases inside I went to get my phone from the car.  

I ran back inside as fast as I could go because well I'm a klutz but when I finally made it through the door I found my mum on the staircase just staring at me.  

"So, these bags gonna get themselves to your room?" my mum said sarcastically. I suppressed a sigh, and took my bags up to my room and just threw them in a corner. I slumped on my new bed that the delivery men had delivered a few days ago. I hadn't realized it but I was really tired and I quickly fell asleep. The next thing I know, my Hannah Montana alarm clock went off with the noise of 'It's the best of both worlds' playing at a super high sound. I bolted upright in my bed suddenly having a bad case of head rush and slapped my hand down on my alarm clock to shut it up. Once I had dragged myself up and looked around at the room and noticed that I didn't know where I was until I looked at my empty room. "Oh my God I am in Forks yay!!!" I thought jumping up and down like the freak everyone thought I was.  

"....Celebrate good times COME ON!!" I sang happily while getting dressed. Once I had put on my mascara and blush I would go downstairs. (I wasn't a very big fan of make-up but I did want people to think I was a normal teenager)

"CARLA! COME DOWN STAIRS NOW! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!!" screeched my mum from downstairs, so I dashed downstairs and rounded the corner to see my mum placing a big pile of pancakes and syrup on the table.  

"Hey mum, thanks for the pancakes," I told her with a friendly smile. As I sat down I realized that I didn't have my phone so I ran upstairs stumbling a bit on the first step.  

"You're welcome..." my mum said in a small voice but I was already halfway up the stairs. I found my phone and ran back to my lovely pancakes and began scarfing them down. "Thanks again mum these were great!" I said with a big grin across my face and then I remembered I didn't have a ride to school.  

"Mum how am I getting to school?" I asked and then another question popped into my head but I suppressed it to wait for my mother's answer.  

"Oh, didn't you know when you asked me for a ride I got one for you? It's out front" she said with a sheepish look. I suddenly became suspicious about her face. But I ran outside and all I saw was the road in front of my house.  

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