The secret love of another is shattered by just one journal.

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New Chapter! Yay sorry I took a while to upload my computer died of a virus and had to be fixed!! *mentally cries* lol so here's the next chapter....Oh yeah DISCLAIMER!!!!!! Stephenie Meyer owns all characters apart from Carla and her mum!!!!

Edwards POV!

W-O-W! That was so great! I mean, I got to kiss the one I have loved since I laid eyes on her. I mean yeah the first time I got thrown into a tree and all and she ended up with a...a...b-roke-n-n l-e-g-g. I mentally stuttered the last part because of the pure pain it brought me to know that the kiss we shared ended up with her hurt and then passing out.........oh yeah, she's still unconscious, I better get her to Carlisle soon.

I walked in the house to find Jasper in the doorway glaring daggers at me I saw the inside of a coffin when I saw his eyes like he had suffered an eternity of being tortured and burned and anything else you could think of. Then I knew why it looked so familiar to me, I was like that once before I realized that I didn't love Bella. Before I realized what a wreck I was and sorted myself out the moment my eyes made contact with Carla's. Like heaven above had opened up to let this angel fell through, all I can hope is that it didn't hurt and that God will never want her back from me. I would never give her back. Never. She held my heart it would always be hers but I would never hold hers, I didn't deserve to. I will never deserve to she deserves someone like Jasper who loves her and would kill a living soul just for her to be happy. And I knew I would do the same for her, but she's not mine she never will be. That is the time I made my decision I would not live without her so I will not live.

"Excuse me, I need to get past." I said and tried to move around him and to my great pleasure Carla opened her eyes. Well I guess it's good to know that she hasn't gone into a coma. Jasper just moved to block my advance.

"She can walk cant she?" he asked a bit of irritation coloring his tone. And I heard his thoughts then "gosh! My does he have to be like that! I mean she can walk she's got legs!" he ranted and then I realized he didn't know what he had done, maybe I should inform him that she can't walk because of him.

"No she can't walk, when you kicked her you broke her left leg you bastard!" wow, I just shocked myself I never curse. Not ever! Jasper's thoughts were the same as mine, it took him a minute to recover and then he really heard what I had said and it dawned on him. He hurt her. I could hear him. He was cursing a thousand times a second all on himself for losing control around her, for hurting her, for how he was such a jackass and for how he should have never met her.

OhMyGosh" he whispered so fast it sounded like one word. I could see the abyss in his eyes deepen from this information, it was tearing him apart. I had to do something to stop this pain in his eyes. Then I remembered what this was all about. Carla! I looked down to find her staring at my face curiously then to jasper and back again to mine.

"Jasper, it's okay, Carla do you want to go with Jasper to go to Carlisle, so he can fix up your leg in a cast." I asked knowing that if she said yes then Jasper would be very, very, very happy. She looked at me for a fraction of a second and then turned Jasper to give him a breathtaking smile. God I wish I was the one she was smiling at! I thought and then Carla turned to me only to smile that same smile at me. Oh yeah she can read my mind! Gah! How do my family live with me?! I shall never know.

"uh, yeah sure that would be great. Listen, Jasper, I'm really sorry about what happened I don't know what the hell happened to me. It's like I wasn't me but I was." She said as I handed her over to jasper. He gave me a quick smile and walked away with Carla in his arms. "dude, you have some explaining to do! And I mean it! I don't want any stupid ass excuses!" he shouted in his mind when he was upstairs. What on earth was I going to tell him?! He would know if I'm lying but I would die inside if he wouldn't give her up.

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