so heres that book you were in......what?!?!

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hi hope you like it so far so comment rate become a fan add to librairy because i update daily!!  

all characters appart from Carla are owned by twilights SM!!! SO here is your story!

 Chapter two

"Soooo..?" he asked. I knew what he was going 'So' about, and I could tell he didn't want to force it out of me, so I smiled to reassure him I was happy and his face lit up at my smile.  

"Ok, first of all don't judge me and think I'm crazy ok?" I asked him, looking very serious.  

"Why would I think you were crazy? And, I promise I won't," he said smiling and rolling his eyes at his convoluted sentence.  

"Well, because it sounds crazy but fine, I'll tell you at your expense," I said to him with warning in my eyes.  

"Ok I will endure this I promise." He said. His eyes I could trust, but the smile that was playing on his lips I couldn't. He might not think I'm crazy but he might laugh his head off. I took two deep breaths and picked up my bag and put it on the table, a plan forming in my mind.  

"Ok Jasper, you and your family and Forks, and everyone in it except me are all from" I said, looking down embarrassed to hear it out loud. Atleast he didn't laugh. I looked up then to see his face well controlled, but I could tell he was laughing on the inside.  

"What?" he asked, kind of dazed.  

"Well let me show you, or should I say, let Stephanie Meyer show you" I said, putting my hand in my bag searching for one of my Twilight series books. It was Breaking Dawn. Thank God. I didn't want to have picked out New Moon for obvious reasons.  

"And you're showing me this book because?" he asked but then he understood.  

"Well, this is one of the books based around your families' life. This is the last one where everyone has a happy ending." I told him with a smile. He smiled back happy to hear that. Did he really believe he was a fictional character? I don't know but I had to find out. "Here, don't tell anyone I gave you this, keep it out of sight and don't think about this because I know Edward can hear your thoughts." I said with a wink and handed him my bag full of my Twilight books.  

"Why are you giving me this?" he asked mystified.  

"Well for two reasons; like I said to keep it out of sight, and because the other three are in there, I want you to read can come over today and we can read them at my house" I said. He seemed happy after that.  "I get to come over and meet your parents?" he asked.  "Well parent, so yeah, I love these books they're the best!" I said smiling and he looked over the moon about coming over and finding out how I knew.  

"Ok well are you finished with them? I just don't want to interrupt your reading," he asked and I nodded. We then went to put my food in the bin and then he asked me, "What are your next classes?" he asked looking hopeful.  

"Urm...I have biology with Mr. Varner and then trig with Miss Mason."  

"Well today is your lucky day little lady, I have those too and in each of those classes the seat next to me is the only spare space!" he said grinning. We walked to our next class and sat down. Thankfully the teacher didn't put me through embarrassment like the last two did.  

"So Jasper, when do you want to come over?" I asked him. Hopefully it was right after school. For some reason I was giddy about getting him to believe me, then I remembered I had nothing in my room apart from a wooden bed. Crap! I hope my mum had done stuff to my room or I would be screwed!  

"Well because I usually get a ride with my brothers and sisters and they are all going up town to go shopping can I ride with you?" he asked with a shy smile on his magnificent lips.  

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