Chapter 1

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Melanie's POV~

Today was Derek's 7th birthday. "Happy Birthday Bud." Cameron said walking in his room with me. "Happy birthday Derek. Today's your birthday party. You excited?" "Yea Mom." I made breakfast while Cameron was giving Derek a bath. Cameron and I haven't been getting along lately and we were thinking of divorcing soon. We didn't communicate or act the same way we did when we were a happy family. I wasn't feeling so good lately so last night I took a test. It was positive. I didn't want to tell Cameron because I knew he would feel the need to stay because of the baby. "So the divorce is gonna take a couple months. I just spoke to my lawyer." Cameron said walking into the kitchen. "Well then we'll go through it. A couple months won't hurt I guess." "I'm getting my own apartment so I'm gonna get Derek on the weekends and on Wednesdays." "That's fine. Breakfast is ready for when you're both done." He nodded and went back upstairs. I still loved Cameron. I just felt like he didn't love me anymore. We ate breakfast and started setting up for his birthday party. I got a call when I was done putting up the decorations. "Hey Mel I'm heading over to see if you need help." "Okay. Thanks Ashely. I have some news but I'll see you in a bit." I hung up and changed. She soon arrived. "So what's the news?" "I'm pregnant again." I whispered. Her eyes widened. "With Cameron's child?" "Yes! I didn't cheat on him!!" We talked about it while Derek was upstairs taking a nap. Cameron went to the store to get food for the party. He came home with bags and we set everything up. "Melanie!!" I heard him scream from the bathroom. "Yeah Came-" "What's this?" "Nothing." He said looking at the test, reading positive. "It's surely something. You're pregnant?!" "Yeah. I found out last night." "Were you planning on telling me?" "No. I didn't want you to stay because you would've thought you had to. Which you don't. I'll raise it on my own while you continue seeing Derek." "No. You're not raising it on your own. I'm gonna be here for our baby Mel. I'm the father." "I know. But we're having problems and I don't want to fight everyday Cameron." He walked out angry. I got caught. I didn't want him to be mad because it'll just cause more problems than we had before. "Cameron?" "Yeah?" "You don't have to stay. I still love you but you don't love me. Don't stay because of the baby. You can come visit any time." "What? You don't think I love you?" "Cameron I know you don't." "Mel that's not true. It's just all the stress getting to me. I'm sorry I'm taking it out on you." "Then what about the divorce?" "We don't need to go through with it." We kissed, the first time in 2 weeks. I was happy again. Everyone arrived for the party.

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