Chapter 5.5: The Plants' Whereabouts

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***MAJOR NOTE: I realized a while back that I didn't even mention the whereabouts of the plants who've been turned into sheep! This entire chapter is dedicated to that.                          Minor Note: Since the plants have been transformed into sheep, they will be interchangeably referred to as sheep or plants. ***

When Solar and Peredur had left the party hall, Peredur was sure that Crazy Dave had alerted everyone about what happened. Unfortunately, the message didn't pass to Crazy Dave yet.

*Sometime after Solar and Peredur left to go look for the Magician Man [who is named Alex, but Solar and Peredur didn't know that at the time], a person walks in and sees the bunch of sheep. They don't know that the sheep are the plants affected by the magical mishap earlier.

"That's strange. How did a bunch of sheep get in here?" The person inquired, looking around in the hall, circling the sheep, trying to investigate what had unfolded. The plants had tried to communicate to the person what happened, but since they're sheep, all that came out were bleats. The person tilted their head out of confusion. 

"Well, you sheep shouldn't be here. I know, I'll call the Farmer's Market. They'll know what to do with you", the person announced. Upon hearing the words "Farmer" and "Market", the plants were struck with terror. They knew what would become of any animal(s) that were sold off there, especially when it came to the sheep. The animals were either sold off to a farm or worse... the sheep would have the same fate(s) of the former, but what worried the plants the most was the idea of getting sheared. 

Now, when sheep get sheared, the process is entirely painless, but since the sheep were actually plants, the process would be similar to a petal or leaf being plucked off. To the plants, that is excruciating agony. The plants vainly tried to plead for the person not to call the Market, but alas, all that came out were bleats, which made their pleas fall on deaf ears.

While they were bleating, one of the sheep realized something, that sheep being Roseus. Roseus had remembered about her secret trick that she had trouble trying to master, telepathy. Even though she is a sheep, she still can attempt the ability, as it requires pure concentration, with no need for any recitation of any spells or the wave of a magic wand. 

Roseus walked off from the rest of the flock to try to contact Solar. She focused her thoughts carefully and mentally searched for where Solar was. Once she found her, Roseus started calling out to Solar as well as Peredur for help. 

Meanwhile, in a land far off from Suburbia, Solar and Peredur were with Rux and Alex, the Magician Man. They were beginning their adventure to find the Wizard Zombie when all of a sudden, Solar and then Peredur sense something's wrong

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