Pulling at Heartstrings / Introduction

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Kennedy Johnson grew up, consumed with the constant fear of dying after being diagnosed with cancer when she was only six. With no one to rely on but her single mother, depression clutches at the young girls heart, pulling her around like a puppet. However, when her tests come back negative for the cancer that consumed her childhood, Kennedy is thrown headfirst into a normal life.

She soon discovers that even normal teenage lives come with a lot more obstacles than she'd ever expected as she journeys through first loves, heartbreaks, and friendships, fighting against her depression as she's faced with one of her biggest hardships yet.


Welcome to my new baby, new challenge, and new adventure. 

This novel tells the story of a broken, lonely girl, and a broken, lonely horse, both as desperate for love as each other. 

Follow along and learn the individualistic traits and personalities of all the characters, and be pulled into a tale that will not only break, tear, and repair your heart, but also capture you in a story never heard before. The story of Kennedy and Mafia.

I look forward to sharing it with you. 

- Abbs x

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