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Echoes bounced around the dark run-down stables, my heart felt as though it would beat out of my chest. The wind outside battered against thin wooden walls, every gust sending shivers down my spine.

Trees outside creaked unnervingly, their branches snapping and rustling as though a giant were crushing them. Not even my own heavy breathing could be heard over the storm.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, a weak attempt at warming my shivering body. I knew I shouldn't have agreed to this, yet I did it anyway- and now look where I was. 

Another gust shook the building, and I jumped in surprise, dropping my torch to the floor. Crying out in frustration, I bent over, feeling around among the thick layer of straw that covered the floor. As my hands clasped the cold metal a piercing scream filled the air. The teeth-rattling noise was laced with fear, much like my own scream echoing around inside my head, but it wasn't a human. It was a very frightened animal.

Pushing myself up from the ground, I slowly started toward the sound, my fingers tracing the planks of the wall. The torch lit a path shakily, every darting mouse or shadow sending a fresh wave of fear through me.

Again, the cry sounded out, this time close enough to send a ringing through my ears. I rounded a corner, my fingers grasping the torch as though my life depended on it. 

To my surprise, a lone horse stood, shivering, in one of the dark stalls. It's eyes were wide in fear, mane and forelock plastered to it's face as rain streamed down every dip, landing with an almost inaudible pat, pat, pat on the concrete floor. 

The stall had been swept clean, as though not in use. The windows had no glass, icy wind blowing in aggressively, and the roof had fallen in, rain seeping through every crack.

I stood stock still, frozen to the spot. I had no idea what to do. The animal was freezing, but I had no clue how to help it. I had no blankets, no ropes, and no knowledge. 

Instead, I talked. I sat outside the stable door, my back against the cold hard wood while I murmured stories and encouragement to the horse. I had no idea how long I'd sit for, or what time it was, but if I waited long enough, the storm would pass. It had to. 

Then someone would find me, and they could help the horse.


Hello hello!

Welcome to my mind. One of the many ideas floating loosely inside, waiting to be captured. Well, my friends, it's been captured, and put on paper (well- my laptop screen, to be accurate) and I'm more than excited to begin a new adventure!

I will try to draft and publish some chapters when I can, although for now UTS will be my primary focus. Let me know your thoughts on this, and if you enjoyed it and/or are looking forward to a chapter one, I'd love your vote <3

Abbie xo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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