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Dimension unite

*in prime time the portal pop out someone come out his name vortexch and xpo*

Xpo: *shring around then he find it* hey I find it I mean I loaded my master

Vortexch: *walk to their* *evil laugh* yes I find it

Xpo: umm you find it

Vortexch: all this year I look for the elements prime all elements from dimension world only I found the elements one place

Xpo: wait I sorry you want the elements for take over the whole dimensions world but I can't let you stole all elements

Vortexch: I'm sorry I didn't need you no more

*then the portal open and take xpo away*

Xpo: hey I can't let you do this it to dangerous you will for give this

*close the portal*

Vortexch: *evil laugh*

To be continued

dimension uniteWhere stories live. Discover now