Chapter 1

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Alright, this chapter is a little more action packed then I meant it to be. I also forgot to mention that a few plot points in the show have been changed a little or didn't happen. I just really want to explain a few things, after all first chapters are almost always the explanation chapters. Like the Outsiders. Srry for the little tangent.

(Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer got me shook. Happy is now Uncle Ben.)

🕸{Peter's POV}🕸

Just a typical day in the life of Peter Parker, going to school then leaving to fight a villain that decided to attack near the end of the day as the Web slinger that almost everybody in New York hates. Nothing new, he just came in with a few drones and declared that everyone inside would die if I, Spider-Man, didn't show up.

I show up, of course, to face this man with some stolen gravity/ teleporting gun and super strength. (Probably got it from the radiation of the gun.) He starts saying nonsense while he throws things like trees and decorative rocks at me.

Apparently he has pent up anger towards me because 'I'm satan himself ' or something along those lines. I don't know what I did to this guy, but I affect lots of people I don't mean to.

It was just me and the guy because Miles was calming and keeping students from entering the battlefield. Already 20 students, including me, had been injured by this guy.

Most of things hit me luckily, and the people who were hit were being treated by teachers and students from Horizon's medical wing. They had nothing serious, but for me, probably not.

Nothing life threatening, but things that would be hard to explain as Peter Parker. How am I going to explain this? Sure, I've gone home pretty badly beaten before, but those injuries were hidden under my clothes. I'm pretty sure that I had a black eye or a busted lip. Hopefully they'll heal before I take off the mask.

"So little talk, so little effort. Are you even going to get a decent hit on me, you itty bitty spider boy?" He cackled as he threw me off of his back. I landed with a sickening crack in my left arm and then it felt warm and fuzzy. Definitely broken or something like that. (I'm not a doctor.)

"Well, you sure landed a hit on me, buster." I said as I stood up and averted one of his punches. "Heh, I like that. Buster, cause that's what I'm about to do to you!" He yelled as I flipped over him.

"You're going to Buster me? That makes sense." I mumbled just so he could hear. My comment got him even more fired up. At this point, a few students from other schools had shown up ( I could tell because of Flash and Harry appearing.) and news choppers had shown up.

"If you don't surrender right now, then I'll send you away like I did with that kid!" He growled, holding up my hoodie. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that he teleported me back to Queens when I was out of costume. I didn't do anything either! I was just sitting in the court yard, waiting for Gwen and Miles so we could do homework together.

That move I was somewhat grateful for because it makes people think that I'm not a high school student, therefore making my secret identity even more protected.

"Or maybe you should go look for that kid. He might be in pain, after all, I didn't make this thing to be careful with." He said, acting like he was smart enough to make it.

"I know you couldn't have made that thing because it has the Horizon High logo on the side of it, and last time I checked, there was no 40 year old men attending this school." That got him even more riled up. He started to throw anything that he could get his hands on at me.

It gets to the point where he starts throwing people. "WOAH! DON'T BRING PEOPLE INTO THIS!" I yelled, webbing the few people that he had thrown and safely putting them out of dangers way. With the arm that didn't hurt like hell, I might add so I don't get yelled at.

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