Prologue and First Chapter

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He watched her every day; it was his job. His life had been created for solely that purpose; to watch Lynz Dawson’s every move. He had no parents. He never saw his creator. All he knew was that he was not fully solid—only a shadow figure of an adolescent boy—and why he was there. Everything else was a mystery. He had all the time in the world to think, but with no such mind, he didn’t try. He had no emotions. He had no friends. He was invisible to everyone around him. He had to act like a hidden camera, capturing everything this girl did. And every night, a boy far away would be able to see a condensed version of what he watched.

Daniel ran his fingers through his blood-matted hair. It had dried to his scalp, and he first realized the scarlet among his black hair because of the sweat and blood-stained pillow. He looked at himself in the mirror. What happened tonight? He felt fine; just a few minor bruises on his arms. Should I wake Hailey up? He shook his head. This can wait 'til morning. Before visiting the bathroom, he had glanced out his window and found it was still night. No stores would be open, and any form of entertainment would wake up his siblings. Daniel walked back to his sweat-soaked bed, as it always was when he woke up, and laid there until his breathing slowed. 





The three words that made Lynz wince, every time someone said them. They brought back memories of agonizing pain, pain which she felt she deserved. "It hurts," the little girl inside her cried out. "Please, stop!" The voice was drowned out by her sobs and screams, and the words never even reached her mouth. Lynz's own screams filled her head, feeling like shards of glass cutting at her mind. Lynz pressed her palms against the sides of her head, acting as though the pressure would make it all go away. She wanted to say she loved him, but couldn't. "I come to you for this pain", she reasoned. "I deserve these consequences, to be reminded of it all, even after you're gone..."

Lynz gasped, her eyes dilating. She took a moment to catch her breath, and remind herself where she was. Black painted walls. To her left, a dark purple dresser had been packed between her bed and the wall. A digital alarm clock resting on it showed it was 5:49AM. Black curtains with white skulls were keeping the light from entering the dark room. She calmed herself, waiting for her heart to slow to a familiar rhythm. The only thing that kept Lynz from closing her eyes again, though tempting, was the fact that she might as well get up and get dressed, and she did not want to be returned to that pain she had endured, and welcomed, a few months ago.

"It was the past," she said quietly to herself. "Forget about it already, and stop torturing yourself. You're only continuing from where he has left off..." To obey herself, she glanced around her room to try to find her phone. It was both an easy distraction, and she needed to check to see if Scott had texted her. She propped herself up on her elbows, stretching her neck upward, to get a view of what was behind the alarm clock. Dim light emanated from the phone's screen, casting weak illumination in the tenebrous room. Lynz's unstressed muscles lifted her arm to hover above the dresser, setting her wrist on the alarm clock and grasping her phone. She brushed her thumb across its surface, and a picture of her and Scott smiling in front of the Empire State Building appeared. Within two seconds, a gray box appeared at the bottom of the screen. "Text Message" in white letters filled the light charcoal-colored heading. Below it, displayed the date and time, and "From: Scott." Lynz pressed "View."

hey amiga :) is it ok if i come over?

Lynz lightly tapped the keys on the 2-D keyboard.

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