Chapter 5: Lynz's Point of View

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"Lynz, wake up! What happened to you?" My eyesight was a white-yellow haze that cleared up to be the sunlight shining in from the window to my left and my white ceiling.


"Why do you have bruises and band-aids on? And an ice pack on your ankle?"

"A dog attacked me." I replied calmly.

"What?! Last night?"


"Oh my-you aren't going to school today. Tell me what happened." I sat up, leaning my back against the wall.

"I went to the dance club like you told me to. While I was walking, a group of guys were harassing a pit bull behind a fence. I had to walk by that house to go to the club, and the dog rushed up against the fence when I passed. I was in there for only a minute, and I left because some drunk guy was hitting on me. When I walked home, the pit bull got loose, and it attacked me. It knocked me down and I hit my head on the road. It was attacking my face, and I was trying to get away, but then a huge dog came and threw it off me. They were fighting and I was able to get away, on a sprained ankle. I cleaned up, talked to Scott for a while, and went to sleep."

"I want you to go see a doctor, just to make sure everything's okay. I won't send you out of the house at night again, that was my fault. I didn't know there would be a drunk guy at the club, they aren't supposed to serve alcohol. I'll call the club about that. And I want to talk to those people with the dog. It could've killed you, and when it's going for the face, it can easily hit the juggler, the most common way for a predator to kill. Just rest for now, okay? You'll go to school in a few days, if you heal within that time." Brenda had seen people come into the hospital having dealt with dog attacks before.

"Okay. Thanks. I don't think I need to see a doctor, though. It's not that serious."

"Still. You could have damaged your head when you hit it, or your ankle could be fractured. It's best to be safe than sorry." I nodded, hoping it would give me a chance to talk and calm her down.

"Will you call a doctor or just drive me to the hospital?"

"Well, in case of an emergency, I memorized the directions from our house to the hospital. I'll just drive you there." I hopped as far as I could before I needed Brenda's support to help me reach the car.

"Yes, she was attacked by a pit bull. We don't know if it has rabies. How much would that cost?" Brenda explained to the receptionist what had happened. Eventually, Brenda turned her back to the girl and called me up.

"Lynz, Dr. Ryon will be with you momentarily. A nurse will come to take some tests in the meantime, okay?" She's talking to me like a child.

"Okay." Brenda waited in the lobby while I was led to a room where a nurse took short tests, like checking my temperature and recording my weight. When the brown haired and brown eyed doctor came, a woman with white hair in her 30s followed behind him.

"Lynz, is it?"


"Hi, I'm Dr. Ryon. This is Rachelle Loney."

"Hello." Rachelle said.

"Hi. Not to sound rude, but who are you exactly?"

"I am your therapist."

"Wait, therapist? Did Brenda-" Rachelle nodded.

"She asked me to come. Please, don't be angry with her. I am here to help you and to make a bond."

"But I don't need help. I came here to check to see if I have any serious injuries." I tried to slow my breathing through clenched teeth, but I couldn't hide the fact that I knew I did need help-did, as in "the past".

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