Chapter 12: Lucas's Point of View

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Cold, air, and light; all factors I woke up to that I was surprised by. I was in fright mode, looking around quickly, trying to make sense of anything familiar. Nothing sparked my memory. During my panic, a woman's voice called in a slight echo, calling for someone by the name of "Lucas". When no one else replied, I chose to answer the call.

"I'll be down in a minute!" The bedroom had a small bathroom connected to it, and I checked my appearence in the mirror; a pale teenager, with a brown fauxhawk, brown eyes and freckles. I didn't remember myself looking like that, though I didn't remember what I looked like before. I looked at my attire. Get dressed, I thought. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, changed, and met the woman downstairs.

"Hi, honey. You want scrambled eggs?"

"Um, sure." The woman looked strangely at me.

"Is something wrong?"

"Did I fall down the stairs or something?"

"No. At least not that I recall. Why?"

"I can't remember anything. I don't even remember my name."

"Lucas Taylor. This is normal for you, so just eat your breakfast and head off to school. It's your last day of eighth grade, so be excited." Weirdly, I knew the definition of school, but didn't know what the specific school I went to looked like.

"Okay. I come back here after school, right?"

"Mhm. You don't need to take anything, it's just a small graduation ceremony and then you say goodbye to your friends." I didn't want to annoy her by asking yet another question, and I assumed I would find out who all are my friends.

Throughout the day, no one suspected anything wrong with me. I found out that coming back home, I had an older sister. Instead of asking "mom" again, I decided to ask Laurie.

"Hey, this might sound weird, but I pretty much forgot everything about myself, and you guys. Am I adopted?"

"Seriously, again?" She sighed. "No, I would've remembered if you were adopted."

"Wait, you said 'again'. What did I do last time?"

"I can't tell you, I'm sorry. I may be your sister, but if you've completely forgot, it might be for the best that you don't go back into it."

"Please? I'm kinda worried, to be honest."

"No, talk to mom about it. I'm the last person you should ask."

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