Chapter 3

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Why am I so weak...


"Ahh it's not what it looks like, I swear kakashi. Sakura and I were simply having a childish moment.. that's all"...

Indeed, but the murderous look dancing in the copy nin's eyes hushed the senbon sucking king instantly..... The entire populous knew how protective team seven were of their blossom, them as well as the hokage herself too. Over the years she'd been protected like a hawk by these people, watched from every angle for any sign of potential harm. Hell even Genma himself had been wrangled in by his best friend a few times in the past for said job... But there exist such a thing as being over protective, he knew, the village knew and better yet Sakura most definitely knew this. Along with embarrassment, a slight hint of annoyance too adorned her features. But Shiranui couldn't for the life of himself understand their reasoning, especially Kakashi's... This girl, no beautiful woman was so much more than their gloried assistant, so much more than their team mate and medic nin. She was fierce during battle, head strong and invincible, a true mistress at what she had been taught by her mentors. And to see them trying to be this protective of her, this overbearingly obnoxious was too fucking ridiculous...

Never before had Genma wanted to slap some sense into Kakashi for acting in such a fatherly way. But truth be told, if she were one his then he too might have acted in the same manner. Naruto and Sasuke tried their usual stunts but they were easily handled, of that he was sure. He'd seen the pinkette handle those two with finesse and practiced ease.. But it wasn't his place to voice such things, infact, Genma wanted not an argument with his best friend, knowing of coarse that with his sour mood a discord between him and Kakashi would definitely end up more on the violent side of things... It wasn't his place to even begin with....

"Kakashi sensei?" Ahh, the pinkette speaks... "We were just chatting that's all"... Sakura's voice held with it a tone of disappointment trailing behind each pronounced syllable. It was evident and rang loud for the entire room to hear. Gone now was the bubbling, giggling playful girl and out emerged this, this wary person that seemed as though her life's energy was slowly being sucked out of her by some invisible force... Having kakashi discover them in such a compromising position wasn't helping her cause either, no, not one fucking bit. The hilarity of situation, her situation danced on her tongue, threatening to break forth from her lips in a bitter laugh but she held back. She held her tongue, securing that wavering lid she kept on her emotions at all times.... "If there's something you need then I'll be with you in a second, if not sensei could please give me and my patient a few minutes alone?"...

What the actual fuck?

Both the copy nin and Genma widened their eyes at the spoken request for neither had never heard Sakura dismissed some one so professionally before. And this wasn't just some one, some ordinary citizen that walked in from the streets but Kakashi Hataki, the one eyed Sharingan user, Konoha's famous copy nin and next in line for the Hokage's title... Clearly she just-

"Excuse me?" The silver haired nin questioned, clearly bewildered..."I'm afraid I didnt-"

"Look sensei", Sakura cut him off now, far beyond her self with irritation. "Are you here for me or Genma?"

"Uh Genma actually, Shizune told me about his condition and I wanted to check up on him that's all...".... Well ouch, the pinkette winced. There goes her wishful thinking of hearing him say he was actually here for her... Well fuck, life as usual was a bitch at times but this was just plain fucking mean.... Never the less.....

"In a moment sensei. I'm almost done with Genma. I'll call you in a few ok?"...

He didn't even want to think it, muchless voice the the things his crazy head came up with, but Sakura never ever in her life treated him in such a manner. Kakashi knew a dismissal when he heard one and this was the latest one yet, definitely the first but still, he couldn't believe his ears... His first suspicion upon entering the room earlier was that both his best friend and his student were a little bit too comfortable with each other and quickly he perished the thought, but now?... Fuck he hoped his favourite student wasn't falling for one of the senbon king's nasty tricks... She couldn't be for he knew his Sakura was damn smarter than this, too fucking smart to let the likes of a womanizer such as Shiranui get to her so easily. Don't get him wrong though, the man might be his friend but when it came to women no one attracted, fucked them and dropped them faster than he did. Why, he wasn't called Konoha's number one Playboy for no reason now was he?.... Turning on his heals, the copy nin made his exit as cool as possible, not daring to level his gaze at his best friend...

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