Going Back

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Camila's POV

"Uh, they're okay sir. Thank you for asking." I reply politely. Lauren senses my uneasiness and quickly changes the subject.

"So Papi, do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

"Uh, not that I can think of. Why?" Mr. Jauregui asks, confused.

"Oh, maybe we could all visit Camila's family." Lauren suggests with a hopeful expression.

"I am not buying tickets the night before a flight. That is out of the question." Mr. Jauregui responds.

"Papi, Camila lives here, in Miami. There's no need for a flight." Mr. Jauregui and the rest of Lauren's family nods in agreement. 

"Alright, it's settled then. What time do you think it would best for us to visit your family Camila?" Mrs. Jauregui asks. Well considering my family hates me at the moment, I don't think any time is appropriate. 

"Uh, any time is fine, I think." I shyly reply. 

"Okay, how about 9:30?" 

"That sounds good." I say, trying to hold back my tears. 

"Are you okay Camila?" Taylor asks. I nod quickly at the youngest Jauregui before Lauren wraps her arms around me. Mr. Jauregui stares at Lauren and I suspiciously causing us to quickly break apart. 

"Uhmm, are you two dating by any chance? Cause I keep seeing this 'ship name' online called Camren and I've been told it's a combination of your names." He says. 

"No papi, Camila and I are not dating. We're just really good friends." This causes Mr. Jauregui to visibly relax.

"I'm glad to hear that. You are to remain to straight, you understand?" 

"Yes papi." Lauren says. 

"Good, it's getting late. Let us get to bed, we all have a long day tomorrow." We nod and I follow Lauren up stairs to her bedroom. 

"Sorry Camz, we don't have a spare bedroom in the house. Would you mind crashing with me in my room?" She asks before we enter her room.

"But what about your father?" 

"We'll be okay. You can have the bed, and I'll sleep on the floor."

"Absolutely not! I will not have your sleep on the floor in your own house. I'LL take the floor and you will sleep in your own bed." I say adamantly. 

"Or we could both just sleep in my bed. I mean, it's big enough." 

"You know Lo, I actually want to live a bit longer contradictory to what you might think." I say, causing her to let out an adorable laugh. 

"Oh shush, you'll be fine. My dad's just afraid of letting me go, you know, being his first daughter and all." 

"Fine, but I blame you if anything goes wrong." I relent as she pushes open the door to reveal a room covered with Lana Del Rey and The 1975 posters. A queen sized bed was situated in the far corner underneath the window and to next to it was a door which I assumed led to her closet.

 A queen sized bed was situated in the far corner underneath the window and to next to it was a door which I assumed led to her closet

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