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Taehyung's POV:

" B-Bunny Boy?"

He looked around before letting his eyes fall on me. He tapped who I'm guessing is his caregiver and whispered to him. I look over at Jimin who was trying to repress a smile his cheeks were tinted a light red color.

" That's him. " I whispered.

Jimin snapped out of his trance and look at me with a face of slight shock.

" Pardon?"

" That's him, " I smiled. " Bunny boy. "

" That's him? The prince of Mono? Your in love with the prince of Mono?"

" We're in love with each other..dummy." I corrected.

" Oh no...." Jimin muttered shaking his head.


I speed walked over to the drink table where I grabbed a goblet and chugged it contents. I gagged, probably making an ugly face as I realized it was wine. After Jimin explained to me that Jungkook was to marry Sana I was distraught. I wanted to drink away my sadness. Even if it meant drinking this horrid liquid.

I felt a tap on my shoulder so I quickly forced the spiked grape juice down and turned around only to meet the doe eyes of Jungkook.

" Can we talk?" He asked quietly.

I nod.

" Not here."

I led him to the balcony and leaned on the railing, gazing at the glowing stars that speckled the dark sky. Jungkook joining me seconds later.

" So.." he started softly, rubbing his hands together.

" I don't think I ever told you my name.." I smirked, resting my face in my hand.

" Kim Taehyung. Tae for short."

" Jeon Jungkook. Kookie for short. "

After our little introduction silence fell upon us again but this time it was more awkward.

" Your marrying my sister." I mentioned after a while.

He hummed running a hand through his hair.

I gulp looking at his rough hands, imaging what they'd look like around my neck-

"But I don't even like girls. They kinda scare me to be honest." he chuckled humorlessly.

I turned to him.

" I don't either. "

" I...I think I love you." Jungkook admitted.

" Oh my! I feel the exact same way! I didn't wanna say anything about it because i thought I was moving way to fast and I didn't want to scared you off or- "

Jungkook cut off my rambling by pressing his lips to mine. He gently held my waist as his soft lips moved on mine while his other hand held my cheek. His rough looking hands were so soft on me, caressing me like a was porcelain and would break at the wrong touch.

" B-Bunny..." I whispered, clutching the fabric of his tunic as he pulled away.

I kissed him again. My hands going to the sides of his face as our lips moved in perfect sync. All bad things vanished in those few short moments. All the darkness and bad thoughts were gone. Its was just...us.

"Thank you." I breathed as I pulled away.

" For what? " he asked, laughing lightly.

" For my first kiss. I'm happy it was with you." I said shyly as my cheeks burned.

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