Where's the Rain? and Pounding Haiku

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Where's the Rain?:

Oh, where is the rain?

I must use it to water my crops.

My plants are withering under the sun's harsh glare, pleading for a refreshment.

If they die and fail, how shall I make a profit?

Oh, where is the rain?

I must use it to fill the bathtub with.

My tub is as dry as a sandbox in our kitchen, because we are grimy and filthy.

If it's drained of water, how shall I keep my hygiene well?

Oh, where is the rain?

I must use it to quench my family's thirst, as our throats are dry.

If we are dehydrated, how shall we survive in this heat?

Oh, where is the rain?

So much depends on it in the world. The civilization needs it to survive.

Where's the rain?

Pounding (Haiku)

The rain is pounding.

It falls hard against the road.

Boom, boom, boom it goes.

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