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Samantha had always hated going in the ocean. The touch of fishes and the feeling to be trespassing the entry of their home haunted her whenever she put foot on wet sand. She hated the beach anyway. Too much people, too much noise, too much light, too much heat, just too much. It was kind of ironic: she lived two blocks away from it.

All the people in her school went there, almost everyday, surfing, swimming, smoking weed and making out like in some stupid stereotypical-teenage film. One more reason to hate beachlike activities.

But Samantha loved one thing about the sea though. It was pure. Savage and calm. The only part on Earth humans couldn't ruin. The only place they hadn't changed. When she climbed up on her roof, she admired it in silence. She respected the ocean.

Sam [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now