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Samantha woke up two weeks later in a dim-lighted babyblue-painted hospital room. It took her a few minutes to finally recollect what had happened. She called a nurse and asked her to notify her family. Her parents barged in one hour later.

- Oh my little baby ! We thought we'd lost you ! Thank God ! Thank God you're back ! My baby !, her mother cried.

- Mom, Dad... I'm sorry I know it's a lot to take. But I really have to ask you... How did you find me ?

- It's okay, don't worry, her father replied. It's this kid... Josh McHavenport. He brought you directly here then called us.

- What did he say ?

- That a group of kids had made you drink and go into the sea... He told us he'd take full responsability for everything that had happened on that beach.

- Well where's he now ?

Both her parents looked at each other in embarassment.

- Look, began the Dad, we really wanted him to pay for his acts, you know ? But, well... We know he wasn't the only one who'd done that to you. You know ? And... Well his dad offered us to pay for the treatments and everything... And he also gave us a little compensation, you know ?

- So he basically paid you off, am I right ?

- Well, it's a little more complicated than that, okay ?

- We really needed the money, the Mom continued, and Josh really behaved maturely and nicely, see ? So we thought you'd understand...

- You know what ? Normally I would. But you're my parents ! You're supposed to... I don't know... To stand up for me or something ! And you just... You just let go ?!

- Darling... Come on.

- Don't call me that ! Don't talk to me ! I don't even want to see you right now !

- Sam, just –

- Get out.

- Sweetie, I know you're upset but if you just–

- Get. Out.

She refused to see her parents during all the time she stayed at the hospital. When she could finally go home, she instead decided to go to the beach.

Sam walked on the sand until she found the remains of the hole she'd been trapped into. She walked down the beach until her toes touched the cobalt water. For the first time, she felt the need to cry and scream but just couldn't do it. So she walked in the water until her legs were buried in it. And she sat in the sea so that her chin could feel the waves. Sam needed to wash off her wounds. Even though the ocean had injured her, it was the only way for her to forgive. Paradoxal. She liked paradoxal.

Sam [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now