Chapter 33; Wake up

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Emma rubbed her eyes trying wipe the tiredness away. This pathetically failed as she struggled up from her snoozing spot on the sofa. The room was darker than when she had fallen asleep, the fire now dimmed to a fine smolder. Pulling herself up to a sitting position she glanced around the room, spotting a similarly situated Xander snoozing on the armchair next to hers. On his chest balanced a half read book. What time was it? Ironically this question was becoming harder and harder to keep track of with all her magical practicing. Her nap had been anything but restful, she had been plagued by the vow she had taken. Another thing to add to her ever increasing list of regrets. Pushing it to the back of her mind she stood up and stretched. What had she been dreaming about? She wondered. Emma couldn't quite remember what it had been. Like most dreams it had felt urgent when she was there but now with the clarity of reality it slipped between her metaphorical fingers. She looked around the room, spotting a small clock on the book case; it was only 4;30. The darkness of the room deceived her in her weariness which she felt obliged to fight off. She couldn't spend the rest of the day sleeping, and she also knew Xander would kill her if she let him do the same. "hey, wake up" she called to him. However, her friend who appeared to be enjoying his blissful slumber remained oblivious to her call. She was, rightfully in her opinion, forced to throw a cushion at his face making him grumble loudly before finally returning to the land of the living. "what?" he groaned.

"We need to get going" she gestured to the clock "don't want to miss another study session". Funnily enough Emma noticed Xanders reluctant answer. She had never seen him be apprehensive to study before. "mmm" she hummed

"What now?" Xander

"nothing" She laughed "you finally seem fed up with all that reading, never thought I would see the day"

"You see right through me" he sighed in a more serious manner than she had expected. However, right now she was still too tired to ask about it further; that would have to wait for later when she wasn't as exhausted. Stifling a yawn she gestured once more to her friend that they must go and the two staggered their way out of the dark room.

"How long have I been here now? In the library I mean. I should probably go outside soon right?" Emma asked as they took another left turn, guided by her pocket watch compass.

"Yeah, probably." Xander shrugged trying to straighten his mussed up hair. "You should go talk to Ezola about that. She could probably sort you out an envoy to keep you protected when you are out."

"Well I was thinking that we could go on another little adventure again."

What had she been dreaming of?

"oh, like the last once was such a success" Xander struggled with a cow lick that refused to comply.

"I mean, that was a while age and now we are much more prepared"

"Meaning that we can run away better than before?"

"yeah basically, but that was all we needed last time right?"

"but you decided to try and go toe to toe with a Necromora"

"point taken, I won't be doing like that any time soon."

"good to know"

The corridor arrowed becoming shorter in height, and colder in temperature. "Are you sure we are going the right way?" Xander asked her remembering the time she had almost made them irreversibly lost in a forest room that had been so humid that they had both come out sweating like one of their training sessions. "Yeah, see it says it's a short cut back to the common rooms."

"okay I will trust you this time, but if I end up with frog spawn in my shoes again I am going to confiscate that thing."

Finally, Emma found the door she had been looking for, shoving it with all her strength she felt in fold under her pressure allowing her in. Clearly no one had taken this route for at least a couple of decades as dust and grit now coated her shoulder. To Xander's surprise they did actually come out into the common room in the centre of the library. "I don't remember a door being here?" he frowned as they came out. The doorway they had exited from had actually been a bookshelf that had swung open like some hidden cleaners closet catching the attention of everyone who had been sitting discussing. Xander caught the eye of two clearly disproving elderly women who tutted at their appearance. Looking down at himself he realised his shirt was untucked and his hair had remain stuck up in a disorganised manner. Emma to her discredit also looked as ragged as he was. It took him a second to realise what these strangers had assumed happened. Unfortunately, it only took Emma a second longer to realise causing her to snigger uncontrollably and stick out her tongue at the crowd defiantly. Xanders only response was to blush deeply.

And to top it off Ezola came striding into the common room with a look of determination. "I do not want to know as I do not care what you and miss Ambrosia-Cartney were doing in that closet."

"but-" he protested burning a deeper red. Emma was similarly going red as she tried her best to hold in the laughter that was shaking her body from the core.

"I have been looking for you. Follow now, both of you"

They complied leaving the crowd behind. They were led into the dining room where they had taken dinner on the first night. Ezola had already set out a tray with tea on it and gestured for both of them to sit. "I am sick of this" Ezola declared to their shock. They were left in a mildly stunned silence waiting for an explanation to be presented "I am so sick of Adam running off around the world and leaving all this to me" she gestured widely. "did you know my grandfather left half of the stewardship in his hand but has he ever fulfilled his role? The answer is No!"

Emma and Xander exchanged glances but remained silent feeling that it was probably best to allow Ezola to purge her frustration. "And now the temple is calling for a general council. They are suspicious of the activity that has occurred over the last couple of months." She paused "but that's another matter. Would you like a cup of tea?"

"yes please". Xander shook his head. He had never seen Ezola appear so candid in her conversations, she was clearly rattled and exhausted. Once they were all sitting with a hot beverage in their hands she continued.

"I heard that Master Xhang entrusted you with an enchanted object"

"yeah he did"

"and the bond was accepted?"


"what form has it taken?"

"A claymore I believe"

Ezola mused thoughtfully at the idea "I do not think we have had a long sword wielder for a long time."

"well just my luck that it didn't actually turn into a claymore that the military uses to day, then I could just blow up my enemies" Emma shrugged light-heartedly.

"stranger things have happened in the world" Ezola took a long sip of her tea. "Adam has been in contact, he is following up a lead in the Netherlands, apparently he has found a banshee who trades secrets for money" She shrugged in exhaustion. "I believe that it is time for you to go join him on this journey."


"yes, it would seem so. What ever reason you and Adam are being pursued by the third world will not be answered by being bent over old manuscripts in one of the many basements of this library. Besides, the stars have aligned in highlighting a change of fates may occurring in the cosmos; it is not a coincidence that this is happen to you now. I believe that it would be to our advantage to make the most of it."

Xander interjected "By she just received the claymore today!"

Ezola nodded thoughtfully "that is why I am sending you with her. You have both being trained to a satisfactory level that I believe you should be safe enough in the world. Besides you are no more safer inside that outside. Besides the Library is only one monument away in most cities."

Xander rubbed his temple in frustration. Emma answered with certainty "Okay lets do it." 

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