chapter 54; Family History

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Emma rubbed her temples, taking a deep breath and tried to settle her racing heart. Xander glanced between Dolus and Emma realising the importance of the name and how it effected Emma's circumstance. Johnathan, in his naivety remained silent and oblivious to the shocking revelation. Emma wasn't even sure he had even been paying attention.

Dolus had gone off to serve another customer in the now crowded bar. There environment was getting louder and louder with each new guest making it harder for them to talk. In the corner of her eye Emma saw homer sitting on the steps leading up into the rooms above. Xander was the quickest to snap out the initial shock of their discovery and reassessed their environment "come on" he instructed "We need to go somewhere that we won't be listened to. I don't think it would be smart to talk about this here."

"What about Dolus?" Emma questioned

"Go upstairs and I will get him to come up when he is free."

Emma nodded and pulled Johnathan along with her up the staircase. Homer hopped infront of their feet cheeping and nipping at her legs as they went up the narrow stairs. Dumping the still silent Johnathan in an armchair near an unlit fireplace Emma jumped backwards onto the bed and buried her face into the pillows. She let out a muffled scream into her pillow. After a couple of minutes sitting in silence staring at the wooden beams above her head, Emma heard Xander and Dolus making their way up to the room. With a light knock they entered.

Emma didn't wait for them to settle down before she went into a rant "What the hell? Why are the Ambrosia family coming after me?"

Dolus chose to provide some contextual information about this highborn family of Anarchy "The Ambrosia lineage is that of powerful and ancient bloodline. They have ruled the seven cities of heaven since the passage between worlds has been possible. They are one of the twelve great families and are very protective of their power and status."

"Sound like some rich assholes to me" Emma muttered but then nodded for Dolus to continue.

"The family have been blessed by the gods, and have a history of being champions"

"And there it is" Emma sighed.

"Maybe it is a mistake" Suggested Xander. Emma only replied by raising her eyebrows as the comment. He silently nodded in recognition.

"I am sorry, I don't believe I am following you." Dolus questioned

Emma let out yet another groan before telling him about the critical piece of information he was missing "my mums name was Ambrosia".

Dolus seemed more shocked at the discovery than Emma and Xander. He opened his mouth once, closed it, and opened it once more. Finally, after a long minute of him processing this vital piece of information he spoke again "Are you sure?"

"Well as sure as I can be considering my mum isn't around to ask."

"What about your father?"

"Never knew him. My mum wasn't on good terms with him. I don't even remember his name."

"Well this certainly complicates the situation."

Emma snorted "Yeah, its just brilliant that the people who want me dead are my own family." She scratched Homer under the chin as he squeaked in delight. "So what do I do? Go visit them at their home? Tell them to leave me alone? See if they can get rid of this champion thing?"

"I don't believe it will be that simple"

"I guessed"

"You will have to attend the sanctuary, neither you or Johnathan are ordained champions. You still need to pass the trials to gain your status."

"But I don't want to pass the trials,"

"the fact that you...we are here means that something is going to happen in our future that involves these gods." Xander said "I think it is probably our best bet to go and see what we can find out about these gods."

"And what if I do win and I lose my soul so some deity can take over my body?"

"We don't let it get that far." Emma glanced at Xander who shrugged slightly "I don't like it either but I don't think we are going to get any answers if we return home. This may be one of our only chances to stop it from going down hill too quickly."

Homer snuggled closer in her lap, snoozing now. Emma nodded in agreement with her friend. She didn't like the plan but then again she didn't really like anything to do with this crazy world. If this could get her one step closer to the purple eyed man then she would do it. Even if it meant that she would end up being hunted for the rest of her life. 

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