Chapter 53; Family

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Homer trotted up to Emma as she exited the room, rubbing against her leg and squeaking in delight as she patted his stomach and head. He jumped up slightly onto her legs, demanding more attention. Emma sighed, bent over and scooped him up in her arms. First things first, she thought, I need to make sure Johnathan is okay.

Her new friend was sitting on the bed in a room a little down the corridor. Dolus had come up to the room and was now administering some first aid to him freshy showered. They both looked as she entered the room, remaining silent she nodded to Dolus in silent recognition, before speaking to Johnathan. "Hows the head?"

"Better" he sighed "I put some sort of gel on it and now I don't even feel it."

Emma dumped the now sleepy homer on the bed and peered closer at Johnathans head. The wound had healed up, leaving only a small scar that looked slightly pink on his pale scalp. "Looks good" Emma agreed "What about the lungs? Swallowing all that water couldn't have done you much good." This time she turned to Dolus for a reply.

"I would have been better if I could have gotten to him earlier, but he should be fine. Might have a sore chest for a while, but aside from that he seems to breathing just fine. It seems that you have been very lucky to not have come out in a worse condition." He paused before adding "or it could be your guardian gazing down upon you."

Emma snorted "oh lucky him, getting almost killed because of his guardian"

"These wounds could have individually caused significant and lasting damage to him" Dolus pointed out.

"Well as far as I can see, it wasn't some stupid god that saved him but Xander and his medical gear."

Dolus shrugged in reply, sensing that he would not be able to convince Emma either way.

Johnathan, who was readjusting his borrowed shirt caught sight of some blood seeping through Emma's clothing. "Hey, you should probably sit down too" he suggested lightly "get checked."

Emma contemplated saying no but then reconsidered her situation. Knowing their luck there was a chance that she would soon be caught up in a fight again. If it did happen, she didn't want to be stuck with sore muscles and bruised legs. Begrudgingly she sat down next to Johnathan and pulled up her sleeves and trouser legs revealing the paint like splatters of injuries. Dolus merely nodded and started working; checking each wound for infection, before applying a healing agent that smelled of mint on them. On her bruises he applied a different substance that appeared to be mud. As Emma sat there covered in the gooey mess she felt it do its magic. The areas where it has been applied slowly heated up indicating their effectiveness. Resisting the urge to scratch the liquid off her skin, she allowed it to work. After 5 minutes she finally was given the go ahead to clean herself off with a cloth. As she gently removed everything she wasn't surprised to see nothing underneath. Aside from her sleep deprived face there was no indication of the trauma she had gone through only a day earlier.

Dolus repacked all his equipment carefully, "Come, lets get you some food."

They followed Dolus downstairs again into the main cocktail bar lobby. Since they had left it the number of customers had increased. The rock men that had been sitting in the corner upon their arrival where still drinking away. Alongside them were a number of waif like creatures that seemed too skinny and too tall to be human. Their eyes larger than any normal face stared at Emma intently as she sat down at the bar. Avoiding their eye contact she turned to Johnathan and Dolus. She spoke carefully now testing the knowledge of the barkeep and his unknown allegiance to some unknown gods. "You said that you were loyal to the gods?"

"For now and for eternity"

"So anyone trying to kill their champions would be a threat to your religion?"

"They would not be looked upon with favour...However, it is the duty of the champions to protect the honour of the gods. They must do this by destroying anyone who would oppose them."

"Great, you won't help kill those bastards that are following us. Will you tell us information about them that could help protect us?"

"As much as I can."

"Well, during our journeys we have come across a number of individuals that seem persistent on killing This man, with purple eyes, he wants us dead."

Dolus paled slightly and paused. He seemed like he was about to reply but was distracted by a drunken customer shouting at him to bring a new drink. He turned quickly, facing away from Emma "hey" She called to him. Suddenly, the oblivious Xander plonked himself down next to Johnathan, still fresh faced from his shower. He glanced between the group members and tried to silently assess the situation. Tactically he remained silent.

Emma repeated her call to Dolus who had finished up serving the other guest. He slowly returned, wiping a glass in his hands. He paused before speaking again " There are very few individuals who would fit that description." He glanced around and quieted his voice "only one family with purple eyes"

"Who?" Emma snapped, feeling the frustration at the fact that he was taking so long to give her this vital piece of information.

Johnathan sat between them, wide eyed and silently distant. No one paid any attention to his blank expression.

"You must understand, there are powerful families in this city. Families that could destroy legacies."

"Just give me a name." Emma demanded


Ice begun to spread across Emma's chest "What was the name?"

"The Ambrosia family, the high lords of the city of Anarchy." 

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