Hatoru x bullied! female! abused! emo! emotionless! reader Part 1

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*at your house with your abusive parents*

Mom (Last Name) - ugh I can't believe I gave birth to an ugly and worthless child like you

(Name) (Last Name) - whatever.

Dad (Last Name) - your worthless and a mistake.

(Name) (Last Name) - whatever.

*you go to your own room after getting a beating and you never eat anyway after getting a shower and taking care of your wounds and putting long sleeved sweater on under your leather biker spikey jacket and leave for school after arriving to school you see your main bullies and go behind the school to avoid your main bullies even though your emo and emotionless you are not human before you go in you sense three people behind you one with red cat-like eyes, red eyes and one black cat-like eye and the other golden cat-like eye*

Unfamiliar red cat-like eyed male - hello why are you behind the school alone?

(Name) (Last Name) - go away the three of you.

Unfamiliar one red and one golden cat-like eyed male - we wanna make you a deal.

(Name) (Last Name) - what is the deal and who are you three?

Unfamiliar red eyed male - this is Hatoru, Yamikage and my name is Kuuriyugi we live in the dark realm we just wanna talk to you and hopefully become best friends.

(Name) (Last Name) - why?

Yamikage - why what?

(Name) (Last Name) - why would you be friends with a freak and emo like me?

Hatoru - because we saw the way the popular girls treat you they bullied you because how you dress and your attitude.

(Name) (Last Name) - so what would you do to them?

Yamikage - capture them take them to the dark realm in the castle Hatoru has and torture them until they say they're sorry to you and you will be watching.

(Name) (Last Name) - you want me to be bait so you can capture them.

Kuuriyugi - how did you know (Name)?

(Name) (Last Name) - I have my ways and secrets and how do you know my name?

Yamikage - we been watching you since you were born and we are interested in you and we talked about you staying with us and we decided to come talk to you about it and we can help you get revenge on the bullies.

(Name) (Last Name) - ok.

Hatoru - wait shouldn't you tell your parents about you moving out and living with us?

(Name) (Last Name) - haha don't make me laugh.

Yamikage - what do you mean (Name)?

(Name) (Last Name) - they could care less about me I never liked it at home.

Kuuriyugi - what do they do to you (Name)?

(Name) (Last Name) - they physically and verbally abuse me with they're alcohol bottles they sometimes use wine bottles, knives, lighters and they're hands and feet.

*the next day on your way to school you see Yamikage, Hatoru and Kuuriyugi looking at you waiting for the bullies to appear so they can knock the bullies out and take them to the dark realm so they can torture them they nod and so do you as you walk near them they grab your arm and hide quickly bringing you with them*

Hatoru - if you see your main bullies bring them here and make sure they follow you don't forget to stop here and roll your eyes then smile knowing that we will take care of them ok.

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