The Letter for the Three

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Only a short week later we found ourselves in Amanda's room, sitting in a circle around the unopened letter.

"I'll read it." I said.

Karen Wright, Adam Mendez, Cole Wilson,

Hey guys. By the time that you've read this one you'll have read the first three letters by now. If not I suggest going to read those and then returning and reading this.

So I've been thinking about everything and I've been wondering how the three of you will move on. I know something will keep you together. May be grief of losing me, may be the knowledge that I'd kill you from my grave if you never speak to each other again. But no matter what keeps you together, please I'm begging you guys, don't lose touch with each other.

I know someone will come up to you three and tell you how selfish it is that I left you guys behind and that if I really cared about you all I'd still be there no matter how much I hurt. If anyone does do this you have my permission to punch them in the face.

Anyways this is the shortest letter I have because it's just telling you that I hope that my death won't split you three up.

-Amanda H. Rose

PS. As sad as it is for me to leave you guys. Staying would be a million times worse.

We didn't know what to say. I knew she was going through a rough time, but I never thought it would be this rough.

"Amanda must've really loved us to leave these letters." Cole said.

"I'm not so sure." I told him. "I think that despite what the letters said, she was scared. Not to do what she did, but to stay around." My hand subconsciously rubbed my throat as I thought about how she hung herself. "She was fine with leaving, btu it was staying thta scared her more than anything.

"Sounds like my cousin." Adam sighed. "Can we talk about this some other time. As much as I love hanging out with you guys I can't spend another minutes in this room. It hurts too much."

Me and Cole nodded for we felt the same way. I finally understood what Amanda meant when she said she was drowing on land or sufficating when there was pleanty of air.

The Letters For Those Left BehindWhere stories live. Discover now