One: My Life Has Changed Forever

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Let's start off with me. I'm Jayla Lynn Jones and I'm 28 years old. I have no children, I moved 8 hours away from my mother and two brothers to become a very successful business owner. I work day and night and I live in a huge house all by myself. I was engaged to the most amazing man you could ever imagine... Well, that is just what I thought. Anyway, let's get on with the story, shall we?

It all started about six year ago, before I moved away from home. I was living in an "okay" sized apartment that I had just moved into, my first apartment. I had started being responsible a little late in life because my mom spoiled me since I was her princess. I finally decided to give my first shot at adulting. I was doing really well for myself at first. About three months in my own place, I'd met this guy I liked at a restaurant when I decided to get fancy and treat myself. I had went to the salon to get my 24" body wave bundles put in right after I got paid. I went home to put on my longest, form fitting, black dress on with a plunging neckline. I put on all of my gold jewelry and my tallest high heel shoes. I was looking for a great time at the restaurant with the finest wine. I felt kind of silly showing up to a place like that all alone. I fixed my face and enjoyed myself.

As the waiter put down the bill, a handsome, tall gentleman sat down at my table, across from me and grabbed my bill. This mysterious man handed the waiter the crispiest one hundred dollar bill I had ever seen in my life. A bit dramatic, but you get the point. I was trying to act less than impressed when he told the waiter to "keep the change" when my bill was only $56.78. We sat in silence for about a minute. I had so many questions in my head, but I had kept them to a mute, waiting for this gentleman to at least introduce himself. I could not endure the quiet for one more second so I blurted out "I'm sorry, who are you?" Before he could answer I immediately said "I appreciate the gesture, but I can pay for myself." He giggled and that about made my skin boil. "Excuse me sir, I'd like to be alone now." He didn't budge. I took the last sip of my wine right before sliding my chair out to get up and leave the table. I grab my coat and head to the door.

I hand my ticket to the valet driver and wait for my 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee to pull up. "Armond Murphy. I would hate to see such a beautiful woman go home alone. Here's my personal cell phone number. I hope that you do give me a call tonight if you start to feel lonely." He walked away. Speechless. I just knew he'd offer me over to his hotel room or to accompany me to my home. I could not drive home any faster. I jumped into the shower to wash away all of the perfume and lotion I had threw on myself just three hours ago. I put on my 'Winnie the Pooh' slippers and an oversized tee just to go in my kitchen to pour me a glass of wine. I carried my glass to my nightstand and turned the tv to the first reality tv show that I could find. I started to doze off and jumped up like I had forgotten to do something. I got up to go and find my cell phone and my purse to locate the number from Mr. Mysterious. Mr. Mysterious is what I decided to put as his contact name. I dialed the number and I hung up the phone before he could answer. I thought about it for a minute before I received a text. "I never got your name." My cheeks felt red as I grew very nervous. I scrambled my brain for words to say back to him. "I'm Jay." Sent! I could just hide under my covers at this point. I felt as if I were embarrassing myself because he seems so mature and I do not feel mature yet. He double texted, "Nice to meet you Jay." "May I call you?" ... I replied "Sure."

He FACETIMED ME!! Decline!! Decline!! DECLINE!!!!

"You don't want to talk anymore? Fine. We can just text." I felt like a complete idiot. As I got the courage to text back, "I'm so sorry, I'm not exactly presentable at 11pm. Though, I would love to know more about you. He told me that his dad was the CEO of some company and that business was given to him. He also told me many things from his past, the women he had dated, some of his favorite childhood memories and more. I was flabbergasted at how open he was. It almost made me question his honesty and his intentions. My stomach was filled with too many butterflies to question whatever I had doubts about. He was so charming and he made me feel like a kid in love. I ended up falling asleep while texting. I slept like a baby.

The next morning, I was up at around 8am, getting dressed to run errands and get laundry done. I got in my car and my phone dinged. "I would love to continue our conversation and learn more about you Jay. Good morning beautiful." My heart. I felt bold which explains why I said "Let's meet up! Lunch at 12p?" It was done. There was no turning back. I had to meet him. He replied with the meet up place. After rushing to get everything done, I hurried home to shower and put on my best outfit and the only outfit I had left that was clean. I knew to keep the best for last, just in case. Anyway. We met up and he was just as beautiful with the most heart warming smile. How was he so perfect? Why was he single? Wait, is he single?

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