Three: I Love You, Armond!

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It has been a month since our Chicago trip. I am easily falling for Armond. He seems to be completely happy with me, but who wouldn't be. Just Kidding. Seriously though, I think this could be something great between us. Although it is very like him to plan our extravagant dates for the two of us, something seems different about our date tonight. He has invited me to his place for dinner. He tells me that tonight is very special to him, which really has me thinking. I do not like to let my mind get ahead of myself, so I let it go and continued to get ready.
I left my apartment for Armond's at 6:36pm. I arrive slightly before 7pm and grabbed my cell phone to call him. Before I could dial his number, he walked down the stairs to his home and greeted me. He had this huge smile upon his face which told me that tonight was not going to be one of our regular dates. I asked "So what's really going on? Why are you smiling uncontrollably?" "No reason, babe. You look stunning, as usual." I blushed like a teenager in love for the first time and floated to the door.
Inside, I heard voices in conversation. I turn around to The Joker, smiling harder than before, if that was possible. I stopped and let him lead the way. "Are we having extra guests for dinner?" He approached the dining room and stepped to the side, "Mom, Dad, meet Jayla."
"Oh, Jayla! How wonderful it is to finally meet you! We have heard so many great things about you!" His mom hugged me super tight. I was a bit caught off guard but the show had to go on. "Nice to meet you as well, Mrs. Murphy. You and Mr. Murphy has done a fabulous job with Armond. He is truly the perfect gentleman." His dad quickly jumped in, "I could only hope that our boy is treating a beautiful woman like yourself, like nothing less than a queen." I could tell tonight was going to be painful. I took my seat and tried to blend in with it. I don't know if I was nervous, uncomfortable, or just uncomfortable. We started to eat and conversation started to roll.
The Murphys started to tell embarrassing childhood stories of Armond which lighented the mood. They also hinted towards a more serious commitment, which Armond quickly changed the subject. I thought that would be an interesting topic for he and I to discuss later.
        Another hour and a half went by and his parents were on their way. I have never been the meeting parents type. I absolutely hated meeting parents. This night was different. I enjoyed seeing where Armond had come from and I learned more about his parents which explained everything that I had previously known about him. They were lovely and I looked forward to meeting them again. However, I wanted to know what he was thinking, pertaining to our relationship. It was decided that I would stay the night so we cleaned up and headed for the couch and Netflix. Before we found something to watched, he apologized to me. "Sorry that I did not give you a heads up tonight, I just wasn't sure how you would react to meeting my parents. You are the most important person to me right now and I value my relationship with my percents. I thought it would only make sense for my two worlds to become one. It's just amazing that they loved you! Maybe as much as I do."
        "Armond! Did you-"
        "Yes, Jayla, I love you. Before I told you that, I wanted to make sure that everything was perfect, and tonight was perfect." I have heard similar words before, but nothing has ever felt more right. I could not find any words to say, so I expressed my emotions the second best way I know how. I walked him to room and let out all of my physical emotions. I watched him fall asleep afterwards to ESPN. I tapped him on his shoulder to wake him. "Yes love?" he whispered. "I love you, too." He turned and cuddled me to sleep.

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