Four: Here Comes the Crazy

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        Let's just skip to one year later. Armond was the perfect friend and lover. He had proposed marriage to me six months after I had met his parents. I said yes! We were doing just fine up until 2 months ago. He had broken off the wedding. He had seemed to be distancing himself, which is why I was not surprised when he called the wedding off. I was heartbroken but I knew that I had to pull myself together and to move on with my life. About a month went by and I started to notice a car parked right outside of my apartment when I left for work. I'm pretty observant which is why this car had caught my attention. I tried to ignore its existence in my mind, but I just had a funny feeling about it.
        After about a week, the car was still parked, as if it had never moved. I had promised myself not to think about it but I just grew paranoid. I decided to give Armond a call to feel a little more at ease. He and I weren't exactly best buds, but he still answered whenever I would call. He rushed over to my place and stayed the night on the couch. For the life of me, I don't know why he broke up with me if he still cared so much. It killed me to not know why he didn't want to be with me anymore, but I let it go.
        The next morning, he was gone from the couch. I checked to see if he left a note or sent a text. Nothing. Though I was disappointed, I couldn't let that slow me down. I got ready for work and I had not seen the car before I left. I noticed a car similar to it on my way to work but then they turned off. I am so paranoid by now. For some reason, I could not shake this feeling that someone was interested in me now. I had it in my mind to go and spend a couple nights at my mom's house until I saw the car outside of my job. I knew then, they were for me. I immediately called Armond again. He picked me up and took me to my mom's.
        After staying away from my apartment for a few nights, I figured I would be okay to go home. So I did. Thankfully, the car was not there anymore. I felt like I could get back to my lonely life and find something to occupy some of my time. I decided to get a gym membership. I felt that working out would relieve some stress could be a great habit to start. No sooner than I agreed to let one of the guys at the gym train me, I regretted my decision. I had never been more tired in my life. The only thing I remember from that night is curling up on the floor of my living room and falling asleep.
       As I woke up the next morning for work, I went down to check my mail from yesterday. I found a couple of bills and an envelope with nothing on it. I sat all the envelopes down on the table and showered for work. Before heading out, I grabbed a banana and a bottle of water and jetted to work. For some unknown reason, I had this weird feeling all over my body. I did not assume it to mean anything and just tried to shake it off. 

        Running late, as per usual, I got out of my car and ran to the building where I work. I accidentally ran right into a man walking out of the building. He was very apologetic, and so was I. The both of us just walked away and went about our day. As I reached the top of the stairs, I happened to glance at that same man jumping into the creepy car. I kind of stared for a minute, not knowing exactly what to think and now was not the time to sit and think so I kept on going. A few times throughout the day, my mind wandered. I didn't like what my life had been turning into. I was constantly paranoid and thinking someone was out to me. I had to focus and jump back into reality because I was losing my happiness. I could no longer sink into this weird state that I was in. After realizing who I was and taking control of my life again, I was able to think realistically. It is highly possible that I work with a man that lives near me.

        Returning to the real world was fun. I put my headphones in and enjoyed work as much as I could with Drake singing to me. I looked forward to my session at the gym with my trainer today, although my body was crying for help. Before you know it, my shift was coming to an end and I was headed home for my gym bag. I had my mail that piled upon my table. I kept on going until I met with my trainer. I'm not too good with names, so I'll just call him Derrick. Derrick was my trainer's name. Derrick was a very laid back and cool guy until we got moving. He was super thorough and intense about molding my body into what I wanted for myself. He seemed like the professional type that would not socialize with his clients. I thought he was until he asked me out for drinks, as friends. I accepted his invitation.

        After our session, I went home to shower and meet Derrick at the bar. Derrick encouraged me to bring along some friends... I had no friends so he just brought his friends and introduced everyone. Being around Derrick felt normal. It was a comfortable normal that I didn't mind. Being responsible and all, I had only two drinks toward the beginning of the night so by the time that I had to drive, I would be good to go. Derrick's friends were amazing. They were down to earth and funny. They all called Derrick by his real name, which I found out is actually Dominic. Derrick is now Dominic, keep up guys. Anyway, By the time I got home, I showered one more time before I got in bed and fell asleep six minutes into my show. Goodnight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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