eggnog {commentary crew}

50 1 4

[lowkey based off of squizzy's xmas vid]

alexis sips the eggnog loudly, prompting a groan from brandon, and a giggle from ani. he takes his lips off the straw and dissolves into laughter himself.

"y'all aren't allowed to be cuties in this house," tyler deadpans, and cocks a nerf gun, aiming it at ani. "also don't fucking slurp eggnog, al, the sound is making me wish my ears were nonexistent."

a beep sounds from the microwave, and henry runs into the room, grabbing his mug. "yowza, it's really fucking cold." he sighs as his hands are warmed by the warm drink. he. too, begins sipping loudly.

"OW! what the fuck, ty??" he yelps and pouts in hurt as a nerf bullet ricochets off his shoulder. tyler reloads and aims again.

"no slurping, heathen."

brandon puts his hands over his head and laughs. "heathen."

"oh, i can rename him 'heathen' in the groupchat," ani pipes up with an evil laugh.

"i literally can't tell if they're making fun of you or me," henry says, and sips his eggnog. 



"i. is that fucking eggnog?" 

"yeeeah?" henry says, confused, "oh shi-"

he barely has a moment to run, before a pillow crashes down on his head, causing  him to put the mug aside, and tackle tyler, and the two dissolve into play fighting. the group laughs and goads them on, pleasant noise filling the room. 

outside, snow falls, and general hustle and bustle proceeds on. the cheer of the season fills the air

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