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Crăciunul se apropia dar eu nu îl sărbătoresc niciodată,părinții mei sunt prea ocupați cu banii și văd familia ca pe un colectiv de străini,nimic mai mult. Asta mă enerva la ei,nu m-au iubit niciodată sau nu mi-au arătat,tata mă iubea dar în preajma mamei devenea exact ca ea,un jegos infect care este obsedat de bani.Si anul ăsta este și va fi la fel,voi dormi.Sau nu.

-Yaaa!strigă Yoongi agitat
-Zi!spun plictisită.
-Am văzut ca compui,cântă-mi ceva sa mă relaxez.
-Off..Spun și dau drumul unui beat.

I have suffered for people who have gone
The job with the goblet does not go wrong
I suffer and feel like I die
I suffer because they die without love
But we hang in time, I promise
I miss, I miss
Without love I feel naked
I miss and die
Without love, love I feel naked,
If you want to argue,
If you want us to finish
Tell me all in front and do not give me false hopes
Could you love me,
You live next to me

And the hell that she feels good,
Life in the fast lane
You live when you die babe
Life is in fast lane
You burned my heart
The ashes shattered with my reason
I'm crazy, I'm crazy about you

I'm geeking off these tho pills,
He can not even say that
You've become like a drug,
I became addicted to you,
Fuck that"

Și mă opresc când îl văd pe Suga ca se pune la pian.Atunci când începe a cânta sunt purtată în cu totul altă lume,muzica lui mă copleșește,și transmite emoții sincere.

The corner of my memory
A brown piano settled on one side
In the corner of my childhood house
A brown piano settled on one side

I remember that moment
Way taller than my height
The brown piano that guided me
I looked up to you, I yearned for you
When I touched you with my small finger

I feel so nice mom I feel so nice
I played the piano wherever my hands took me
I didn't know your significance back then
Back then I was content with just looking at you

I remember back during my elementary school days
When my height
Became taller than yours
I neglected you when I once yearned for you so
On top of the white jade-like keyboard
Dust is piling on
Your image that has been neglected
Even then I didn't know
Your significance
No matter where I am
You always defended that spot
But I didn't know that would be the last
You say don't leave like this

Don't worry even if I leave
You'll do well on your own
I remember when I first met you
Before I knew it you grew up
Though we are putting an end to our relationship
Don't ever feel sorry to me
I will get to meet you again no matter what form
Greet me happily then

I remember back then when I met you that
I had completely forgotten, when I was around 14
The awkwardness was only for a moment, I touched you again
Even though I was gone for a long time
Without repulsion
You accepted me
Without you there's nothing
After the dawn, two of us
We welcomed the morning together
Don't let go of my hand forever
I won't let go of you again either

I remember back then
We burned up the last of my teen's
Yes the days when we couldn't see an inch in front of us
We laughed, we cried
Those days with you, those moments are now in memories
I said, grasping my crushed shoulder
I really can't do any more
Every time I wanted to give up
By my side you said
Bastard you can really do it
Yeah, yeah I remember back then
When I was fed up and lost
Back then when I fell into a pit of despair
Even when I pushed you away
Even when I resented meeting you
You were firmly by my side
You didn't have to say anything
So don't ever let go of my hand
I won't let you go ever again either
My birth and the end of my life
You will be there to watch over it all

The corner of my memory
A brown piano settled on one side
In the corner of my childhood house
A Brown piano settled on one side

-Hei...Sunmi ești ok?Spune puțin amuzat
-Ce?Da cum? Stai spun realizând ca sunt strigată de ceva timp.
-Mă gândeam sa mergem sa facem cumpărături pentru Crăciun,spune încă râzând
-Nu sărbătoresc Crăciunul,spun rece
-Cum?De ce?Spune curios și nedumerit
-Nu vreau sa vorbesc despre ăsta, spun plecând în baie.

Am încuiat ușa băii și am dat drumul lacrimilor,eram frustrată,eram depresivă, am avut 3 tentative de sinucideri,ei m-au distrus,m-au adus în stadiul în care nu mai rezist și tot ce îmi doresc uneori este sa cad în acel abis negru. Plângeam dând cu pumnii în pereți.

-Am vrut doar sa mă iubiți la naiba cu asta!spuneam printre suspine

Pam pam paaaaamm!
Va las în suspans,și îmi pare rău postez rar dar nu am idei și timp,boxul îmi ocupa tot timpul , voi revanșa și mâine voi posta un capitol nou.Kiss!
(908 de cuvinte)

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