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Early dawn stillness waited for the sun. The town that lay along the tongue of the peninsula below these heights had hardly stirred in it's sleep,  too long accustomed to the sound of my heavy breathing to give heed.

Lately, I've been having dreams, weird dreams that I could barely remember as my eyes flutter open and realise how a mess I am. I just know it was strange, if not, then why would I be screaming with a heavy feeling of terror as I jolt up from the comfy sheet? My throat felt so dry, the rising tide of fear lingers in my chest, leaving me with an unsettled frame of mind.

I ran my fingers through my hair as my gaze flew to the clock hanging on the right side wall of my bedroom, it's barely four in the morning and I should be sleeping a little longer since it's vacation but thanks to that nightmare, I was forced to leave the bed and get a glass of water.

While I strode down the hall, I noticed the door of my mom's study room is slightly open. Curiously, I made a peek, checking if she's still up. There on the swivel chair, she's seated, her head leaning down on the table, using her arms as pillow. She gently snores, a sign that she passed out again after an all night paperwork.

Mom is always like this. She work nonstop until her body gives in. I wonder if she still know how to use a bed. I can't blame her, she needs to work hard because she has a daughter that goes to college, it wasn't easy to earn money in this town. Aside from the budget needed for my study, we also need to eat everyday.

Somehow, she taught me to be grateful and to be content with that we have as she tries to make the best out of everything. Of course, long ago I've learned to listen and my gratitude runs deep. At least we have a shelter and she has always been a great supporter. She once dreamed of me being a doctor but my heart leads me into sports. I joined a taekwondo club and I didn't heard any whine from her. This part of my life is very satisfying to say the least, but I know in my heart, it wasn't enough.

If only I had a father...

All this time, a father figure has been missing in my life. For the past twenty years, my mother has staunchly refused to discuss about his absence or the fact that two women seem to be totally alone in the world without any relative.

Like mushrooms that sprouted out of nowhere.

Even as a child, I know that we are not like other families. Other girls had fathers as well as mothers or atleast they know something about their parents if they're not present. I never got the explanation for the lack of a family member, heck, I don't even have anyone to call grandma or grandpa, any extented family. It's just odd especially because we're in a place where family ties mattered greatly. It held me back from making close friends.

Atleast my mom named me Harley. It somehow sounded like hers, which is Lesley. I can't help wondering about my father's name. All I know is his last name was Greene.

Whatever the reason my mom has for keeping it as a secret even from me, had me grown resentful somehow. I'd never been able to convince her that all the things she held back also concerns me. She believes, however mistakenly, that she was protecting me.

But from what?

All these questions will remain unanswered if she decides to keep them forever. Well, what can I say?

I gently pat her by the shoulder, intended to wake her up and to tell her to go to her room. A few taps and she moved, lifting her head up and stretching her arms on the table, unintentionally messing up her work paraphernalias.

Something dropped and bounced as it hit the marbled floor, it rolled over few inches away before I managed to step on it. Upon checking, it was a round coin-sized metal but just a bit bigger and thicker, shiny gold in color in which I thought was cool if it was legit gold cause it weights heavy enough to make a fortune. It somehow looks like a pin, labelled, 'Royal Musketeer'. It was a beautiful badge, perhaps one of my mom's collection. As I flipped and read what's written on the back, my mom snatched it from me but not that fast because I was still able to read the letters embroidered at the metallic surface.


“Why are you here?” she questioned, her hand that holds the badge was balled into fist.

“I just need to drink water, mom. I saw your study open so I thought I should wake you up.”

She sighed as she gave me a dismissive look before standing up from her chair. “Oh dear. It's too early for you to wake up. Let's go to the kitchen then. I have a meeting at six so I will prepare a breakfast now, you go back to sleep after you do your business.”

As if going back to slumber is that easy.

“Who are you meeting with, mom?” I had to ask. She usually have a meeting, business related but they are all business hours, cause that's how it should be done. Six in the morning? Must be important, right?

“You'll know.” she said, leaving me with a hundred more questions. “I will take him here when we meet.”

I was taken aback. Perplexed and unsure..

“Him? Is he your b-boyfriend?”



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