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These guys said they were my mom's friends.

They both have stoic expressions but they don't look harmful at all. I still had my guards up though because looks can be deceiving. My trust issues are the best of it's kind, I suppose. How can I know about that word when my mother doesn't entrust me her secret as well? If you come to think of it, I have every right to know cause it concerns me too. After a while, when they introduced themselves, somehow I felt relax and so, I ended up listening. So far, I've heard that my mother came from royal family, she had a younger brother and his name is Harley, too.

“Now I get where my mom got my name from.” I smiled, I learned that uncle Harley has been looking for us all these years. I wonder how he found out about this island.

“Your uncle was known to be a prankster back in the days but who would have thought that his tricks and tactics will actually do a great help during the war? He was too young back then, 13 years old— but he's a genius. He saved a lot of lives, even our sister's. She later became his wife.”

It was hard to believe. I knew my history books mentioned about wars more than two decades ago but it didn't stated anything about Land of Dawn, the place they said they came from. I've seen the world map, there's no such place on the archipelago and so it almost sounded like fiction but their eyes, they weren't lying as they speak.

“How about my mother? Did she fought for Land of Dawn?”

“Yes, she's the best sniper in town.”

I gasped. I've always known my mom was cool, but not to this extent. These information makes my heart beat fast, like it's gonna explode inside my chest.

“She and her fiancé made a good tandem cause they were both assassins. Lancelot is one of the best swordsma—”

“Wait.” I cut Alpha off, my excitement arising as my pulse raced. I could even tell my eyes were shining, “Fiancé? Is Lancelot my father?”

Alpha and Saber exchanged glances as soon as I spat those questions, even them looked as confused as I am. I guess like it's my lucky day, when all of my questions will be answered.

Saber then cleared his throat, “How much do you know about your origin, little lady?”

“To be honest, I know nothing. My mom won't say anything so perhaps you can tell me.” I pouted a little, hoping I'd get their sympathy since it looks like they are going to spill the bean soon.

“Hmm.. If Lesley kept it as a secret all these years, it wouldn't sit well if we tell you.”

“Please?? Please, Uncle!” wow, that doesn't sound weird but it did felt weird to say that.

Saber was the first one to stand up. “We'll take our leave now and just go back in the evening. We have much more important thing to discuss with Lesley.”

“It's nice to meet you, young lady.” Alpha said as he stood up and headed for the door. “We'll see you again later.”

I eyed them in disbelief and utter disappointment. It could have been an intense conversation if I had only knew how to pick up the right words. It was almost there, the answers to the missing piece of my existence but then my big mouth caused it to slip away. I knew better than to keep asking them when it's obvious they were just like my mom. Besides, if they would come back here tonight, it's better because that way, neither of them can lie. Even mom.

Too much secrets revolves around us and I will see to it that she'd answers when she gets home.

My stomach growls once more and the next minute, I was rushing to the kitchen.


The clock hanging on the wall tik toks agonizingly slow as I stared at the ceiling, lying on the bed. I can count all the times I've missed my mom and wished for her to come home soon. It was too few. Most of the time, I don't really mind her coming late cause I've grown used to it.

Right now, I can't think the same as anxiety begins to crawl inside my chest. So many thoughts running in my mind that it actually scares me to entertain them. I had always been an overthinker but my mom was none of those things I worry about, she's always doing fine.

Was she really?

I know at some point, she wasn't but she wouldn't tell me about it.

Before I die of boredom, I decided to get up and take a walk outside. It would help to somehow ease this unsettled frame of mind. I changed into some faded knee-length shorts, a blue T-shirt with a unicorn design, my favorite cause it's comfortable. Then took a pair of sneakers. Checking myself in the mirror, it's all done. I brushed my long hair, satisfied at how the brush slide smoothly against the chestnut-brown strands. My mom always tells me to nurture a love for it, because I would wear it everyday so I must wear it like a crown.

Too bad it wasn't the same color as hers, which is bright magenta. I've always admired her, my mom is the prettiest woman in town. Many people say we look alike because of our eyes with the same hues. Atleast that one proved that I wasn't some kind of a stolen baby.

After minutes of hairstyling, I took my shoulder bag and stride out of the house, making sure all doors and windows are locked in the process. Joke's on me cause the two strangers earlier managed to trespass inside the house without breaking the locks. It's either they climbed over the gate or they had a spare key.

Which made me pause and stop on the street. How many people can do such thing? If one really intend to breach into someone's house, locks would be useless. Suddenly, I don't feel safe in my own home anymore, to think I was alone most of the time.

What's wrong with me?

I shook my head and continued walking to the nearest tree for a shade under the sun. I needed somewhere to hide from the wicked weather that threatens to burn my skin if I stay out too long. Who takes a walk while the sun was beaming hot above? Only me, probably and it was a bad idea.

I sighed as I looked out on the vast ocean surrounding our humble island. It was a huge and long sea, I can't even see what's on the other side of the world, beneath the blue waters. I've never been curious though, just me and my mom had always been enough. Besides, the outside world is dangerous. That's what they say.

The old folks in this town used to say that these heights, this very land is being guarded and protected by an Occean Goddess. Noone can actually cross the borders and intrude our island without the Goddess' permission. None has ever seen the said mythical creature, thus it remains a rumor.

But if one day, fate allows me to go on and see it for myself, why not? Afterall, my father could be out there somewhere across the waves and the only way to get there was to cross the ocean.


I think I'd be adding few special characters here since this book is about my OC but still connected to ML heroes.

It's my token of appreciation. 🏵️

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