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Shuri and Peter! Yay! This is literally all Peter and Shuri quoting Vines. That's truly all it is. There's no romance in this relationship. They're just best friends and also meme machines. I hope you enjoy it because I enjoy writing it :).

I have also come to the realization that both of my other stories have been pessimistic or will turn pessimistic eventually, so I'll try not to let that happen with this one. All Our Souls demonstrates textbook pessimism, if you ask me.

Oh my gosh! That's a reference! I understood that reference!

And we all understood your reference too, Wade, now scram.

Yeah, speaking of references, this book will have references galore. Feel free to comment when you find them and comment what you'd like me to make a reference to! And scenario suggestions are always welcome.

Thanks for reading!

WHAT ARE THOOOSE?!?! - A Collection of Peter and Shuri MomentsWhere stories live. Discover now