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"Chloe, that was really mean!" Marinette turned to Chloe, who was grinning widely. "I don't think Alix really lost her test like that! You know how much it meant to her."

"So why does it matter?!" Chloe turned away, her grin fading. She hated it so much when Marinette would talk back to her. Adrien always seemed to look at Marinette then, agreeing with her.

"Alix looked angry," Marinette answered, fding her arms. She was getting a little tired of Chloe talking trash about everyone, and making them hate themselves. "You should apologize."

"I'm not apologizing to anyone!" Chloe yelled as she stood up. She glared at Marinette. "I don't need you talking to me like that. Remember that my father is the Mayor."

"You can't use your father to scare me!" Marinette stood up as well. "I was just telling you that..."

"Alright girls, calm down," the teacher shushed the girls. "Alix will come back after she's gotten all calm."

"Yeah, you hear that, Marinette?!" Chloe snickered as she sat down. "Alix is going to be okay," but she muttered to herself, "even though I don't want her to be okay."

I heard that! Whatever, I'll just pretend I didn't hear her. She can be a real brat sometimes. Wait, what do I mean by sometimes? She can be a real brat all the time! Marinette sat back down, thinking she had lost.

Alix didn't come back for the whole day. Marinette was beginning to think about what had made her change her mind about coming back to class. What had Chloe done to make her feel angry?

Tye students piled out of class as the bell rang and the teacher dismissed them. Marinette went to the bathroom, but no one was there. How could I think that Alix would be in the bathroom for that long? She isn't the kind of girl that does that. Chloe does.

Marinette stepped out of the bathroom. "Hey Alya!" She waved at her friend, and Alya started heading over to her.

"Where did Alix go?" She asked, looking around. "Was she that mad at Chloe?"

"I guess she was. Let's go visit her now." Marinette suggested. She took Alya by the arm and started dragging her out of the school.


"Alix isn't here?" Alya asked, a little shocked. Maybe she went somewhere else.


They turned at the sudden voice that had spoke a little far away from them.


"Chloe, it's time that I finally get revenge. You naughty bad girl. You need to get a punishment," Alix spoke, or rather... Timebreaker!...

"I guess we've got another villain to defeat... I mean... I guess Ladybug and Cat Noir has got another villain," Marinette chuckled nervously, while Alya stared at her weird.

"Anyways..." Marinette continued, waking away from Alya. "I've got somewhere to go to. Bye." Then she made a run for it.


"Come on, Adrien. What I said and did to Alix wasn't that bad," Chloe said after she admitted what she had done. "I didn't mean to hurt her that much. I was just trying to have fun."

"Well it wasn't funny!" Adrien hollered. "You've made her mad and upset that she took off and didn't even return back. She might not even  ime back the next day because of you!"

Good! Chloe smiled at herself. Gosh, who cares about her anyways?!

"Chloe, where are you!"

Adrien and Chloe turned back to see TimeBreajer calling out for the blondie.

"Gahh, she transformed?!" Chloe rolled her eyes. Why is it that whenever I try to have fun with people, they always end up getting akumatized. Geez...

"Chloe, you go hide. Make sure that she doesn't catch you."

"Sure, but Adrien, where are you going?!"

"You don't have to know," Adrien told her. He took off, having Chloe not finish her next sentence.

"But..." She watched as Adrien ran, then she faced forward and walked towards the villain. "Alix, listen to me! I am Chloe, daughter of the Mayor. If you lay a hand on me, my father will sue you!"

TimeBreaker noticed her and skated directly at her. Then, while she passed Chloe, she touched her, making Chloe freeze.

"Haha! Stupid girl!" TimeBreaker laughed. She started collecting her energy, feeling more powerful.

TimeBreaker, when you freeze Ladybug and Cat Noir and try to collect their energies make sure to grab their miraculous first!

Go it Hawk Moth!

TimeBreaker skated around, touching anyone she could. She felt powerful enough to go back into time, and she did. But she only went 3 hours back into time, and she stared at the window of the school she went to.

There was Alix, collecting the text papers from everyone. TimeBreaker watched as a test slipped out of Alix's pile of the other tests in her hands, and her eyes went wide when Chloe picked it up, hiding it under her table.

So it was her! Grr Chloe, I should have tortured you slowly rather than freezing and collecting your energies. Don't worry, at least I get to do that now!

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