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"Why is that kid back again?!" Cat Noir yelled as he and Ladybug ran for TimeBreaker. "And why is she a younger version of the actual TimeBreaker?"

"I don't know, but we have to stop her. Look what she's doing!" Ladybug replied. "Mini TimeBreaker, you better stop this right now!"

"Haha, never! I'm having way too much fun torturing people's life. Besides, who wouldn't want to go back in time!" TimeBreaker yelled back at them. "You can go back in time to fix mistakes that you did. There's a lot of goodness of going back in time. I'm not here to harm people or get revenge, I'm just here to make sure everyone gets a second chance to fix mistakes."

"I don't know, she doesn't sound that bad," Cat Noir stopped to think, while Ladybug glared at him.

"Shut up. She's a villain. How can she not be bad?" Ladybug gritted her teeth. "Bad or not, we gotta release that akuma!"

"Ladybug, listen to me. You can choose this the easy or the hard way! I'm on a mission. A mission that doesn't include you. You don't have to give me your miraculous, just leave me alone to do my stuff!"

"Whoa! Weird. A villain that doesn't want our miraculous?" Ladybug frowned. "Now that is new. What is Hawk Moth planning now?!"

"Hawk Moth doesn't need your miraculous anymore!" Mini TimeBreaker laughed. "All he needs is for me to go back in time. Way back in time."

"Well, we're not going to let you do that!" Cat Noir said, speaking for the both of them. "Some of us also want to continue our lives instead of repeating it again. Just let it be."

"This isn't about them and what they want! This is about completing what my boss told me to do. So stay away!"

Mini TimeBreaker ran off to get more people, while Ladybug and Cat Noir chased after her.

"Be careful not to touch her!" Ladybug reminded.

"I already knew that!" Cat Noir yelled back. He held out his baton so TimeBreaker could be knocked over by it. But TimeBreaker held out her little hands, waiting for the next person she was going to touch, whether it was going to be Cat Noir or not.

He stopped before he could get so close to her, and then he hopped back with his baton.




Why would TimeBreaker come back again? I thought she gave up. No?

Alya ran downstairs. She met up with her sister, who was so much younger that not the Anasi she was to be.

"Alya, don't go out. It's dangerous out there." Alya groaned at her older sister's warning. Her sister always hissed her around, using the excuse that she was the oldest and was allowed to do that.

"But I really got to!" She begged, running to the door. Her sister caught her though and gave her a glare.

"Mom said you can go outside as soon that villain has been defeated. I don't want you to be one of those people that get frozen."

Alya sighed. "Fine. I'll just give Marinette a call." She started walking upstairs. Having a lot of thing on her mind, she forgot to make the call she planned to make, and instead got out a notebook.

Hmm, Alix was captured. That's for sure! Then later in her parents got captured. What if they were captured by the same person?

She started writing down her thoughts, trying to make connections and see why Alix had decided to turn back to TimeBreaker again.

What if she did it for her parents? What if she knows that her parents are missing? Yeah, because if it's the same person that captured her parent, that person would tell her and force her to do things she doesn't want to, in order to save her parents.

But who would? Who would want to capture her and her parents? Who would want her to turn back to TimeBreaker and for what reason?

"Wait..." Alya suddenly stood up. She got an idea. An idea that had just popped up in her mind as she thought more about this.

Giving Marinette a call, she said, "Marinette, are you there?"

"Yes, what is it this time, Alya? Have you found anything yet?"

"Yes, I believe I have," she replied. "That record that we listened to... Did you recognized the voice of the unknown person?"

"Well, kind of," Marinette spoke back. She started thinking more into it. She hadn't really thought about who that voice could belong to.

"Marinette, I think I know who the voice belongs to."

Marinette gasped. "Really? Who? Who?"

"Hawk Moth!"

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