fucking great

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"higher yoongi, bet you can't" yoongi hears his best friends breathless giggle as he pushes him higher on the swing set, at the park located across the street from their houses that lay side by side.

yoongi never backs down from a challenge not even at his young age of 8, which is exactly why he gets carried away pushing the younger boy on the swing set. the pretty boy in short, pink overalls and even pinker, shoes, falls forward off of the swings onto his knees. yoongi stood there in shock, his very last intention was to hurt the boy on the swing, he couldn't move from his spot behind the swing set, that is until yoongi hears jimins loud cries. the swing still swings back and forth as the boy in pink sits on the ground,  his shoulders shrugging in sync with his sobs and his cheeks wet with tears.

yoongi finally comes to and runs to the younger to pull him up into his arms, repeating what his mother had done for him many times before. "are you okay jiminie?", yoongi asks, his voice soft. "i think so," jimins  bottom lip is jutted out and his eyebrows furrowed as more tears threaten to spill out of his eyes. the boy in yoongis arms looks down at his legs and starts crying again immediately, now realizing that he had a couple of ugly cuts all over both of his knees. "wait here okay?", yoongi calms jimin quickly and delicately sets jimin back down to the ground only to start running toward his house looking,  both ways quickly before he dashed across the street and into his home.

he rushes to his bathroom and then launches himself up quickly to stand on top of the curb of his bathtub, reaching up to the shelf over the toilet so that he could skillfully grab the first aid kit and jump right back down just as quick. as soon as he catches his balance, he's already headed back to his best friend, running as fast as his little feet can take him.

he sees from afar that jimins cries seem to have died down at least a little and that eases yoongis worry a bit. he can't believe he let himself get out of hand, he was so careless.

yoongi sits on his knees in front of the silently crying jimin, the fabric of his black shorts not doing much to protect his own skin against the splintery ground underneath them. he works the first aid kit open and grabs everything he remembers his mother using on him in the order she used it, getting ready to begin cleaning jimins knees up.

"this part might hurt a little, jimin, do you wanna hold my hand?", he stares at jimins adorable pout and awaits his response. a "yes please," was all it took for the older to take the pink boys hand in his and give it a squeeze while he wiped the alcohol pad over the cuts on jimins kneecaps with the hand not occupied by jimins. the boy in cute, pink overalls held tight onto yoongis fingers as he tried his hardest not to start crying again. "it's okay," the older tried to comfort the cute boy in pink, hearing his quiet sniffles.

yoongi finished up on jimins knee with a few pastel pink bandaids over jimins ouchies... the reason he chose pink is pretty self-explanatory, the color simply matched the younger boy perfectly and he loved to see him wearing it.

yoongi begins to pick up all the materials he had taken out of the first aid kit "there you go, jimin, all better" yoongi looks up, giving his friend a smile, only to see his friend still close to tears. "b-but you have to k-kiss it bet-better, yoongs," jimin looks down to his knee then back up into yoongis eyes.

ohhh yoongi realizes. it's not like he didn't want to.. but it's not like he did want to either. yoongi looks at jimins kneecap and lowers his lips until they hover above one of the pastel pink bandaids, he looks back up to jimin before closing the gap and kissing the youngers knee. he then repeats the process on the other knee and then wipes any stray tears he sees on jimins face.

jimins face immediately brightens and he gives yoongi the brightest eye smile ever as yoongi retracts his small hands smiling nervously back at jimin. "thankyou so much yoongi, you're the bestest friend ever".

yoongis smile brightens as he finishes cleaning up his supplies. "are you okay now chim?" he looks up to meet jimins gaze, only for the younger to be way, WAY closer than before.

"of course i am goof, thanks to you," jimin says and then nuzzles his nose against yoongis. he then retracts his face from yoongis and the suddenly shy boy looks up with red cheeks to see jimin sticking his thumbs in his ears while wiggling his fingers around with his tongue poked out in a teasing manner.

"i mean, i am kinda good aren't i?" yoongi lightly smirks winking at jimins silly face. jimin leans in and pokes yoongis nose with his tongue still sticking out, not taking any of yoongis cockiness .

they both stare at each other for a second before doubling back in untamable laughter, eyes crinkling and both of them clenching their little tummies, gasping for air.

after they've both regained themselves, yoongi pushes himself up off of the ground before helping jimin up to his feet as well, both of them turning their heads as they hear jimins mother calling him in for dinner, ugh poor jimin, she made 'veggie lasagna'.

"coming mom," jimin yells to her as he looks to yoongi once more before hugging him tightly, then quickly kissing him gently on the cheek as if he didn't want anyone to see it, "thanks again yoongi, what would I do without you?", he said shyly. jimin then runs to his mother, glancing quickly for cars before crossing the road and all yoongi can do is watch as the boy in pink disappears behind the front door of his house.

by the time yoongi finally realizes he'd been standing there staring at where jimin was standing when he kissed him, he realizes that he had dropped the first aid kit and all of its contents had spilled all over the wood-chipped ground and everything a mess.

all he could hear was the loud pounding of his heart, still from when jimin had decided to kiss his cheek. but it became louder and louder and abnormally louder until....

yoongi began to wake up from his odd dream.. it was about his old childhood best friend of all people for some odd reason.... he has no time to reminisce because he then glances at the clock and realizes that he's 40 minutes late. his alarm was alerting him that his first college class of the day would be be in 20 minutes..  he had only TWENTY MINUTES to get ready for the day.. fucking great.

is this good? lmao idk if im doing this right..


Pretty and Pink -yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now