chaptah 2

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fucking shit, yoongi jumps out of bed and turns his alarm off, already reaching for the nearest clean-smelling... (for the most part) t-shirt and picking it up off of the ground to throw on over his tank top, his bEStfRIEnD, namjoon laughing at him.

the mint haired boy pushes the memories of his dream.. well, kind of flashback, to the back of his mind as he trips and struggles, attempting to pull his grey sweatpants on the correct way(out grey sweats;).. ), he failed miserably the first time, somehow ending up with the tag in the front of him instead of the back, all while trying to ignore namjoons annoying, hysterical cackling.

when his pants are on correctly yoongi turns to his friend, the one with a supposed IQ of 1836649, "why in the fucking shit wouldn't you wake me up, namshit?? you know damn well finals are coming up soon" he says as he grabs a minty green colored sweater that somewhat matches the color of his hair,"whats the fun in that?" namjoons laugh dies down only so he could let out a -what he thought was hilarious-, "run, yoongi, run" and then he roared with laughter again. yoongi doesn't have the time to argue right now, he needs to leave but just namjoon wait, yoongi would for sure get him back good. so he slips on his favorite nike slides and before he knew it, he was outside of the house, locking the door. and of course thats when he realized that he had left his bookbag on the kitchen table. Jesus yoongi get a fucking hold of yourself .

while still mentally scolding himself AND namjoon, yoongi unlocks the door and swiftly speeds through their medium-sized living room to the kitchen where he had left his book bag. on his way back outside, he catches a glance at himself in the long mirror located near the front door and audibly groans at his appearance. he had managed to blindly throw on the worst outfit in the history of worst outfits.. okay, maybe not that bad.. but still. he stared at his reflection, dressed in light grey sweatpants, a light pink tank top peaking out of the bottom of his mint fucking green sweater. oh don't forget his red and black nike sandals. "jeez could this day get any worse?," a mitch-matched yoongi muttered to himself, hurrying out the door because he needed to get to that class on time.

yoongi closed the door and continued to lock it but he couldn't find his keys. he patted the outside of his side pockets and then the ones on his backside, nope no keys. he looked over to namjoon who was standing behind him with the keys held out in one hand and a coffee held out in his other. "thanks for making yourself useful" yoongi spits sarcastically, he takes the keys from namjoon first, continuing to lock the front door, then he snatches the coffee from namjoons hand and starts walking away while the other just smiles and trails begin him, both headed to their first classes of the day. 

yoongi and namjoon had been roommates ever since they arrived to the college together, assigned to the same dorm the very first day. when they first met each other, yoongi thought namjoon was a know it all, giant, purple headed, smart ass,.. and not in a good kind way at all and namjoon had found yoongi to be the careless rebellious type of person, that going against every fiber of namjoons being. but eventually they got to know each other, the real versions of themselves and in no time, the were the closest of friends, confiding in each other with everything.

yoongi had only had one other best friend beside namjoon. they had lost all contact though, after his  younger friend had moved away just before high school begun. yoongi still reminisces about it, even sometimes dreaming about the sun kissed boy in all pink, he sort of had a crush on the kid that he had called his best friend back then. but yoongi had accepted the fact that he'd mostlikely never see the pretty pink boy ever again. oh well, everything happens for a reason.

chapter numero dos. I think i like how this is going. 

lmfaO what did you think about the chapter? idk what im doing

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