"err body has those days"

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yoongi is huffing out of the last class he has to attend that day, feeling tired as ever. he never wanted to go to college, he did it for his parents. they had always tried to do their best for him and he had to make them proud, he would make them proud. yoongi and his parents weren't the closest but they were close enough, always having the best intentions toward each other. his parents just want the best for him and thats why yoongi is in his junior year of college, double-majoring in music production and business... the business part mostly being for is parents.

walking back to his and namjoons shared dorm yoongi pulls out his phone so that he doesn't have to make awkward eye contact with anyone walking the opposite him in the halls (a/n me). the mint haired man unlocks his device and relogs into his snapchat because SOMEBODY... or yoongis younger friend, taehyung, broke his own phone and begged to use yoongis to text some kid that he swears is not his boyfriend.. but yoongi knows better, they definitely have something going on, whatever that may be its none of his business.

 at some point during his walk to the dorm, yoongi looks up and realizes that he made a wrong turn somewhere. he pockets his phone as he panics slightly. he had no clue where he was, its not like he has classes or knows people on this side of his college, the majority of his classes were in the D building. in addition to his freaking the fuck out, he doesn't see anyone else around, it just being him in an empty dim lighted hallway.. kind of creepy, but yoongi isn't to scared of things like that.

yoongi sharply turns the corner at the end of the haunted hallway, seeing someone at the other end of the new hall, walking toward where he was coming from. he lets out a nervous sigh, glad that he now has someone to ask for directions but also nervous about the interaction because he never really converses with anyone but his friends. yoongi studies who he makes out to be a boy with vibrant pink hair... unusual,, but cute yoongi thinks, quickly ridding the thought from his brain as the pink haired boy gets closer.

 now close enough to make out the boys face, yoongi can't stop staring.. he's so... beautiful. he had plump pink lips that matched his luscious, pink locks and a face that was somehow chiseled and chubby at the SAME TIME... wtf?? these features paired with a cute button nose and pink eye makeup accompanying wonderful, brown, bright eyes. perfect yoongi thought.... but totally in a non-gay way.. thats what he told himself, even though he's interested in both men and women. but he just couldn't make this situation even more awkward with his gay antics (a/n also me).

yoongi quickly adverted his gaze when he realized he was staring, cursing namjoon for being the cause of his crazy outfit choice. he hears the boys footsteps ahead of him slowly advancing closer, meaning he needs to look up and say something or stay stuck in this creepy hallway forever... so he mentally makes his decision and looks up then the boy is close enough, finding that the pink boy and himself had lifted their heads at the same time and were now captured in each other gazes.

yoongi, yoongi, yoongi oh, precious yoongi. yoongi being who he is, startles himself with how long he was willing to look at the other.. the cute boy looking straight back at him. the music-production major wants to look away so bad but he can't, he studies the face of the boy opposite him.. why does he loo familiar?  yoongi didn't know how to react, he was going to just look away and find his own way to his own building but at the worst timing possible.. yoongi looses his footing. and next, he falling face flat on the ground, wishing that it would swallow him whole. 'why why fucking WHY him??' yoongi thought to himself, then realizing  somewhere during his magical journey to the ground, yoongis books had fallen out of his bag and onto the cold floor along with the rest of his body.

"everybody has those days" yoongi snaps out of his shock and looks up to find where the beautiful voice had come from.. it of course coming from the boy with the pink hair. yoongi catches himself staring in awe again, trying to figure out just where he knows the boy from.. the boy is now kneeling on the ground, stacking yoongis school books u into a pile, yoongi immediately going to help with his own books. "you don't have to-" "don't worry about it" the other boy cuts yoongi off, shyly whilst looking down, not meeting yoongis eyes.

yoongi began putting his things back into his bag, the boy handing yoongi the last of it, their fingertips brushing gently during the exchange, making yoongis skin grow warmer by the second. "you need help with anything else...", "yoongi, and you are?" they smiled at eacother, yoongi mesmerized by the small boys innocent smile. he was so fucking glad that the boy didn't make a huge deal about the whole 'falling flat on his ass and embarrassing himself thing' and breathed out in relief at how easy going the boy (that yoongi guessed to be younger than him) was, yoongi had never initiated in an easy conversation with a complete stranger before. he had to know him from somewhere, "jimin" the boy answered him. no way.. no way NO FUCKING WAY.. yoongis getting ahead of himself, theres no way that this was HIS jimin. his dreams were getting to him, theres just no way it could be the same person.. besides jimin is a common name, right?

yoongi comes back to reality, answering 'jimin' with a "well, nice to meet you jimin.. and actually.." he gets up from the ground and looks down to jimins feet and back up to his face as he does the same, trying to find something that would convince him that jimin was or wasn't his childhood friend, "I could use some help, see somehow I got lost on my way back to my dorm and I have zero clue where I am, do you mind giving me some directions?" he asked hopefully and with that jimins smile was beaming bright. "I could tell you, but I'm not very good at explaining things and it'd probably more useful if I showed you" jimins eyebrow quirked silently asking yoongi if that was fine and yoongi grinned back at him, giving him the okay.

"so what building are you going to?" jimin asks yoongi, looking up at him as yoongi grabbed his bookbage off of the floor, swinging it over his back. "the D building, please" and jimin started walking back toward the way he was coming from. "you don't have to do this, if its any trouble, you can just give me some bad directions and i'll figure it out" yoongi said not wanting to make the other go out of his way. "no, its fine, yoongs- sorry, I don't even- but you- and I-"jimin rambles feeling embarrassed that he had just accidentally called the man he just met 'yoongs'  "don't worry about it jimin, its okay." yoongi reassures him, even though his mind is going crazy, the possibility of this jimin being the same one he had grown up with, bouncing around yoongis head.

"o-okay" jimin replied small-ly, continuing to lead yoongi through the building.

"so I've never seen you around here before" jimin pipes up.

chapter tree idk what should I write next. but I hope you like this chaptahh


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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